
Dr. Sum Jing Yao
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Sum Jing Yao

Assistant Professor | Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering

Academic Qualifications

PhD Chemical Engineering
Bachelor Chemical Engineering

Areas of Interest
Membrane technology
Membrane for Wastewater Treatment
Membrane for Selective Separation
Nanofiltration membrane
Forward Osmosis

Research Grant

  • Synthesis of light-sensitive buoyant photocatalyst composites through heat attachment of nitrogen-doped zinc oxide on perlite granules for degradation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) from river water (Research Excellence & Innovative Grant (REIG), Project Leader)—July 2020-June 2022.?

Current Research Project

  1. Development of PVDF UF membrane with enhanced antifouling properties
  2. Immobilization of photocatalst on a support for photocatalytic degradation of organic matter through sunlight irradiation
  3. Development of adsorptive NF membrane for selective separation of heavy metals from a mixture


  1. K.C. Ho, Y.H. Teow, J.Y. Sum, Z.J. Ng, A.W. Mohammad, Water pathways through the ages: Integrated laundry wastewater treatment for pollution prevention, Sci. Total Environ. 760 (2021) 143966.
  2. J.Q. Ngo, S.T. Lee, Z.A. Jawad, A.L. Ahmad, R.J. Lee, S.P. Yeap, J.Y. Sum, The influence of cellulose acetate butyrate membrane structure on the improvement of CO2/N2 separation, Chem. Eng. Commun. 207 (2020) 1707–1718.
  3. J.Y. Sum, A.L. Ahmad, B.S. Ooi, Selective separation of heavy metal ions using amine-rich polyamide TFC membrane, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 76 (2019).
  4. B.S. Ooi, J.Y. Sum, J.J. Beh, W.J. Lau, S.O. Lai, Chapter 2 -. In: ISMAIL, A. F., RAHMAN, M. A., OTHMAN, M. H. D. & MATSUURA, T. (eds.) Membrane Separation Principles and Applications. Elsevier.
  5. J.Y. Sum, J.J. Beh, A.L. Ahmad, B.S. Ooi,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 58, 229-239.
  6. J.J. Beh, E.P. Ng, J.Y. Sum, B.S. Ooi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135, 45802-n/a.
  7. J.Y. Sum, A.L. Ahmad, B.S. Ooi, 2014. . Journal of Membrane Science, 466, 183-191.
  8. B.S. Ooi, J.Y. Sum, S.O. Lai, Desalination and Water Treatment, 45, 250-255.


  1. J.Y. Sum, W.X. Kok, S.T. Sakaran, The removal selectivity of heavy metal cations in micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration: A study based on critical micelle concentration, Regional Congress on Membrane Technology (RCOM 2020), 16-17 January 2021, Johor, Malaysia.  

  1. S.J. Jie, O.B. Seng, L.L. Hui Ting, J.Y. Sum, Development of antifouling poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membrane with the addition of polyethylene glycol as additive, IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 463 (2020) 12178. 

  1. Sum, J. Y.; Ahmad, A. L.; Ooi, B. S. 2012. Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Thin Film Composite Membrane Prepared Through Interfacial Polymerization, International Conference on Membrane Science & Technology MST2012: Sustainable Energy and Environment, 22-23 August 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Award and Recognitinos

  1. 2021 Best Presenter Award (Parallel session) in the Virtual Regional Congress on Membrane Technology (RCOM 2020) and Regional Conference Environmental Engineering (RCEnvE 2020) on 16 & 17 January 2021
  2. USM Sanggar Sanjung Award on excellent achievement in category of Journal Publication in year 2015


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