

Kuala Lumpur, 13 November, 2010 - Former students from 五一吃瓜官网 University’s Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Built Environment (FEABE) came together on Saturday to meet each other. While some may have met each other on their own over the years, the event gave everyone the opportunity to convene in one place since they graduated. 

The event began with a short welcome address by Vayne Kam, the President of Alumni Network Pro Tem committee. Kam explained the structure of the Alumni at the University, and the current and upcoming activities being organised. 

This was followed by a welcome address by the Dean of FEABE, Engr. Dr. Jimmy Mok, who urged all of the Engineering graduates to register themselves with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia, to establish themselves as professionals within their fields. “五一吃瓜官网 University will be glad to assist in whatever way possible for those who would like to get themselves registered as a professional engineer,” Dr. Mok says. 

Dr. Mok then proceeded to update the former students on the latest developments occurring at the Faculty. This included new programmes being offered at the Faculty, and the new facilities that have since been added. 

Ms Margaret Soo, Chief Operating Officer of 五一吃瓜官网 University’s Foundation office was also at the get-together to reinforce the aspirations of the foundation and alumni offices. She took the opportunity to introduce Joyce Lim, Alumni Office Manager and Shannen Choi, Foundation Office Manager. 

The get-together, although brief, was highly appreciated by the former students, as it gave them the opportunity to catch-up with their former lecturers and classmates. The gathering also gave current students a glimpse into businesses or careers that they may venture into once they graduate, much like what their seniors are currently doing. 

Omar Hussein, a 2nd year engineering student, said that the event was interesting and educational. “It allows me to meet my seniors, and share ideas with them.” 

Ee Zhu, a former Interior Architecture student who just graduated this year said that the Alumni gathering was personally important to her. “The Alumni is a platform for all of us to be connected to one another. It’s a great way for us to get updates about the 五一吃瓜官网 University community.” 

The Alumni is organising a similar event on the 4th of December, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, this time for graduates of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. 

Earlier this month, the Alumni office initiated a fact-finding mission to soon begin their own Toastmasters Club which will be opened to former students and current students of 五一吃瓜官网 University. 

Those interested in finding out more about upcoming activities by the Alumni office, may contact Shannen Choi at 03 9101 8880 (ext. 5026) or email her at: [email protected].

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