
Assistant Professor Dr Chua Beng Hui @ Bobby Chai Boon Hui

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications

PhD (Corporate Entrepreneurship) 

Master of Business Administration (Strategic Marketing) 

Graduate Diploma in Marketing 

Areas of Interest
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Business Strategy
Consumer Banking
Financial Sales Management
Teaching Experience

  • Marketing Management (Postgraduate)
  • Global Marketing (Postgraduate)
  • Strategic Marketing Planning and Control (Undergraduate)
  • Marketing Analysis and Decision Making (Undergraduate)
  • International Marketing (Undergraduate)
  • Marketing (Undergraduate)
  • Marketing Operations (Undergraduate)
  • Consumer Behaviour (Undergraduate)
  • Principles of Marketing (Undergraduate)

Research (Grants / Project)

Duration: December 2017 – December 2018
Approved Value: RM41,010
Status: Completed
Project Leader: Dr CHONG YEE LEE



  • Instructor For 'CFP Certification Education Programme' (Module 1), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia, Kampar Campus, February 2022.
  • Instructor For 'CFP Certification Education Programme' (Module 1), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia, Kampar Campus, February 2019.


Journal articles:

  1. Kuek Thiam Yong, Chen I-Chi, Choong Yuen Onn, Khor Saw Chin, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Timothy Yap Tsen Vun, Diversity within the Board of Directors, Asian Pacific Journal of Social Science Research, Volume 6 Issue 1, Page1-9. 2021
  2. Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Kuek Thiam Yong, Chan Tat Huei, Hong Efendi Haslim, Alex Cheng, Social Media Effectiveness Indicators of Microentreprise Strategic Planning, Asian Journal of Business Research, Volume 10, Page 150-166, 2020
  3. Kuek Thiam Yong, Shum Shen Wei, Choong Yuen Onn, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Seow Ai Na, Student stress in a Malaysian private university, 2nd Asia International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC 2018), 2018
  4. Bobby Boon-Hui Chai, Pek See Tan, Thian Siong Goh, Banking Services That Influence the Bank Performance, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 224, Pages 401-407, 2016
  5. K. Raja Kumar K. Kathiravelu, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Neerjang Lama, Wong Tai Seng, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed, Youth Perception towards green credential advertisements in a Malaysian Context, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2014
  6. Wong Lai Soon, Neerjang Lama, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Wong Kee Luen, Joining the new brand: Factors triggering the intentions of Malaysian college and university students to adopt 4G broadband, Information Management and Business Review, Volume 5, Page 58-65, 2013
  7. Chong Yee Lee, Lee Eng Heng, Jenny Marisa Lim Dao Siang, Seow Ai Na, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Indirect Economic effect of tourist spending on the tourism industry in Penang – A justification of the post-positivism approach, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume 5, Page 181-192, 2013
  8. Chua Beng Hui, Wong Lai Soon, Wong Kee Luen, Choice of banks by Malaysian: A conceptual study, technics technologies education management, 2012 Drunpp Sarajevo Bolnicka BB, 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia & Herzegovina
  9. Wong Choy Har, Lee Har San, Lim Yoong Hooi, Chua Beng Hui @ Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Garry Tan Wei Han, Predicting the consumers’ intention to adopt mobile shopping: An emerging market perspective, International Journal of Network and Mobile Technologies, Volume 3, Page 24-39, 2012
  10. Tan, G.W.H., Chua, B.H., Tan, B.I and Ooi, K.B. (2012), 'A Case Study on Japanese HRM Practices in Malaysia: Japanization or Localization?', International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 332-351 (Publisher: Inderscience, Switzerland: ISSN: 1471-8197; Scopus; ABDC-C).


Conference proceedings:

  1. Bobby Boon-Hui Chai, Johnn-Yee Choy, Yuen-Onn Choong & Timothy Tzen-Vun Yap. Zoomers E-Wallet End-Users’ Satisfaction in Malaysia via Service Quality, MAG Scholar Conference in Business, Marketing & Tourism (MAG 2022), Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Thailand, 10/11/2022 - 12/11/2022.
  2. Yuen-Onn Choong, Thiam-Yong Kuek, Bobby Boon-Hui Chai, Saw-Chin Khor, Mei-Peng Low and Timothy Tzen-Vun Yap. Gain the Support for Sports Tourism Development through the Perspective of Residents, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESPONSIBLE TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY (ICRTH) 2022 from 01-03 September 2022 held at 五一吃瓜官网 Hotel Kuching
  3. Thiam-Yong, Kuek, I-Chi, Chen, Yuen-Onn, Choong, Saw-Chin, Khor, Bobby Boon-Hui, Chai, Timothy Tzen-Vun, Yap.  DIVERSITY WITHIN BOARD COMPOSITION: A CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PERSPECTIVE, The International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE) 2020, UTAR, Kampar, Perak, 16th October 2020.
  4. Choi-Meng Leong, Bobby Boon-Hui Chai & Thaim-Yong Kuek.  Intention to Use Mobile Wallet in Malaysia, MAG Scholar Conference in Business, Marketing & Tourism (MAG 2019), Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, 25/06/2019 - 27/06/2019
  5. Kuek Thiam Yong, Timothy Yap Tzen Vun, Chen I-Chi, Choong Yuen Onn, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Ng Yin Kuan, Chan Ling Meng & Peter Tan Sin Howe, Aiki as moderator between attitude towards organizational change and organizational citizen behavior, The International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE) 2018, UTAR, Kampar, Perak, 4th – 5th October 2018.
  6. Chong Y.L., Balu Ramoo, Lee E.H., Lau L.S., Yii K.J. & Chua B.H. The sharing of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor knowledge, does senior and younger academics behave differently? A study in selected private universities. The International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE) 2018, UTAR, Kampar, Perak, 4th – 5th October 2018.
  7. Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Stephanie Loo Siat Ching, Wong Lai Soon, Customer Service- The Essence of Banking Industry, May/2017. The 19th Malaysian Finance Association Conference (MFAC) 2017, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Perak
  8. Siat-Ching Stephanie Loo, Boon-Hui Bobby Chai, Lai-Soon Wong, Brand Experience and Its Influencing Power Towards the Purchase Intention of Fashion wear among Generation Y, August/2016, 7th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-7), Bangkok, Thailand. Mahidol University International College, Bangkok, Thailand
  9. King-Tak Yew, Felix Ng, Bobby Boon-Hui Chai, Key Changes of Design of Financial Shared Service: Lessons of Malaysian Based Companies December/2015. International Graduates Research conference 2015. Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  10. Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Tan Pek See, Goh Thian Shong, Banking Services, That Influence The Bank Performance, August/2015. The 6th International Research Symposium In Service Management (IRSSM-6) UiTM, Kuching, Sarawak
  11. Wong Lai Soon, Nor Aishah Bt Buang, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Yee Ann Mie, Teo Yit Hua, Poon Wan Yee, Chan Kian Xing, Social Influence - The Determinant of Repurchase Intention of Japanese Automobiles, September/2014. 2nd International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics Faculty of Business and Finance, UTAR, Kampar, Perak
  12. Wong Lai Soon, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Premkumar a/l Nadarajan, Phan Yi Xiong, Determinants of the Proliferation of E-learning in Malaysia, September/2014. 2nd International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics, Faculty of Business and Finance, UTAR, Kampar, Perak
  13. Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Erica Chua Ning Jia, Factors that Influence the Performance of Banks: A Conceptual study, April/2014. The 10th International Conference on Multinational Enterprises Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
  14. Wong Lai Soon, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Loo Siat Ching, Lim Yoong Hing, Jenny Marisa Lim, The Moderating Effect of Convenient Orientation Customer Satisfaction in two retail environments, March/2014. 4th International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2014), Singapore Information Engineering Research Institute
  15. Jenny Marisa Lim Dao Siang, Wong Lai Soon, Chong Yee Lee, Bobby Chai, Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty Towards Luxury Shopping in Malaysia, October/2013. International conference on Business, Accounting, finance and Economic 2013, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Perak
  16. Choy Johnn Yee, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Annie Ng Cheng San, Lee Thean Chye, Consumers’ Purchase Intention towards hybrid electric vehicles (HEV): The Conceptual Model, October/2013. International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economic 2013, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Perak
  17. K. Raja Kumar a/l K. Kathiravelu, Neerjang Lama, Chua Beng Hui @ Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Wong Tai Seng, Heal the world, Make it a Better Place: Willingness of Malaysian Youth to Patronize Manufacturers who Advertise with Green Marketing Credential, June/2013. 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Management International Foundation for Research and Development (ICEIM-2013), Langkawi, Malaysia.
  18. Bobby Boon-Hui Chai, Harry Entebang, A Conceptual Model of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Banking Industry, May/2013. Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Management (TIIM) Conference 2013, Kasetsart University Bangkok, THAILAND
  19. Wong Lai Soon, Neerjang Lama, Chua Beng Hui @ Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Wong Kee Luen,Joining the New Band: Factors Triggering the Intentions of Malaysian College and University students to Adopt 4G Broadband, December/2012. 2nd International Conference on Education and Information Management (ICEIM-2012). Potential for Business Innovation. A Thompson ISI Indexed Conference. ICEIM-2012
  20. Wei-Han Garry Tan, Hooi-Yong Lim, Lai-Soon Wong, Beng-Hui Chua, What Motivates Consumer to Shop Online? A Conceptual Framework, November/2012. 1st International Conference on Behavioral and Social Science Research (ICBSSR 2012), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
  21. Chua Beng Hui, Wong Lai Soon, Choice of Banks by Malaysian: A Conceptual Study. October/2012. International Engineering & Management Conference (EMC 2012), Thompson ISI Indexed International Online Knowledge Services (IOKSP)
  22. Chee-Wee Tee, Kam-Hoe Oon, Thiam-Yong Kuek, Beng-Hui Chua, Investigating the Relationship among Knowledge Management, Human Resources Management Practices and Innovation: A Conceptual Study of Malaysia SMEs, July/2012. Knowledge Management International Conference 2012 Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  23. Lee Thean Chye, Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Go You How, Wong Lai Soon, Does Management Competence Moderate Between Proactiveness and Firm Performance? The Case of Malaysian SMEs, June/2012. The 5th Annual Conference for the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in 2012 (AIE2012), Macau China National Entrepreneurship Research Centre, Tsinghua University and Technology and Management for Development Program (PTMD), University of Oxford Research Centre for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, Macau, China
  24. Wong Lai-Soon, Chua Beng-Hui, Ernest Cyril de Run, Factors That Influence the Choice of Banks by Malaysian: A Conceptual Study, November/2011. Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
  25. You-How Go, Beng-Hui Chua, Chin-Yu Lee, Erica Ning-Jia Chua, The Effect of Risk Perception on the Usage of Social Network Sites: A Conceptual Model and Research Proposition, July/2011. The 2nd International Research Symposium in Service Management Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) "Veteran", Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  26. Bobby Chai Boon Hui, Cheah Ching Mun, Tee Chee Wee, Teo Aik Chuan, An Exploratory Study of Kopitiam Business in Malaysia: Should They Adopt Blue Ocean Strategy, and Act Green, March/2011. The 9th International Conference on Multinational Enterprises Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
  27. Tan, G.W.H., Chua, B.H., Lee, E.H., Lim, Y.H., An Exploratory Study of Human Resource Management Practices in An Overseas Japanese Firm. Are there Any Barriers to Adopting the Japanese HRM Practices, June/2010. Technology Innovation and Industry Management (TIIM), Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand


Newspaper Article

  1. Kuek Thiam Yong, Chen I-Chi, Choong Yuen Onn, Khor Saw Chin and Bobby Chai, Stay calm, stay safe, The Sun Daily, 18th Feb 2020. Newspaper Article
  2. Kuek Thiam Yong, Dr. Chen I-Chi, Dr. Choong Yuen Onn, Dr. Khor Saw Chin and Bobby Chai, On The Lookout For Harmful Games On Social Media, The Star, Wednesday, 18th March 2020. Newspaper Article



  1. To provide insights on the repercussions of GST from different perspectives, an Intellectual Discourse Forum on GST was organised by the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF), Centre of Accounting, Banking and Finance at UTAR Perak Campus on 22 June 2015.



  • Certificate of Appreciation as a Moderator at the MAG Scholar Conference in Business, Marketing & Tourism (MAG 2022), Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Thailand, 10/11/2022 - 12/11/2022.

List of Research Supervision

Master’s (As Main Supervisor) – 4 completed

Awards and Achievement

Promising Paper Award

  • Yuen-Onn Choong, Thiam-Yong Kuek, Bobby Boon-Hui Chai, Saw-Chin Khor, Mei-Peng Low, and Timothy Tzen-Vun Yap. Gain the Support for Sports Tourism Development through the Perspective of Residents. Has won the “PROMISING PAPER AWARD” at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESPONSIBLE TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY (ICRTH) 2022 from 01-03 September 2022 held at 五一吃瓜官网 Hotel Kuching.


Best Paper Award

  • Best Paper Award for paper titled ‘An Exploratory Study of Human Resource Management Practices In An Overseas Japanese Firm. Are There Any Barriers to Adopting the Japanese HRM Practices?’ (Main author: Tan, G.W.H., Co-authors: Chuah, B.H., Lee, E.H., and Lim, Y.H.) at the Technology Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM) Conference 2010. Organized by Kasetsart University Thailand at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort, Pattaya, Thailand, June 16-18, 2010.

List of Membership in Professional and Academic Bodies

  1. Fellow, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
  2. Life Member, Institute of Marketing, Malaysia
  3. Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Financial Planning Association Malaysia
  4. Registered Financial Planner (RFP), Malaysian Financial Planning Council, Malaysia
  5. Certified RFP Trainer, Malaysian Financial Planning Council, Malaysia

Selective contribution

  1. Past Council Member, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Malaysia
  2. Member, and Past President (2000/2001), Rotary International, Rotary Club of Kuching Central


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