
Prof Dazmin bin Daud
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Dazmin bin Daud

Assistant Professor | Department of Logistics Management

Academic Qualifications


Areas of Interest
Logistics engineering
Human resource management
Human resource development
Organisational behaviour

Journal Publication

  1. Daud, D. & Ho M, Y. (2019). The Relationship between Consumers* Price-Saving Orientation towards Food Delivery Intermediaries (FDI) Services: An Exploratory Study. Global Scientific Journals, 7(2), 175-190.
  2. Daud, D. (2016). The Malaya Patriotic Fund Poster Stamp: Developing a Literature Review. Asian Culture and History, 8(2), 44-51.
  3. Daud, D. & Ong, F.H. (2017). Acceptance of Information System Modules in Logistics Program: Perceptions from Logistics and Supply Chain Undergraduate Students. Canadian Social Science, 13(5), 14-21.
  4. Al Shibi, S.S., Daud, D. & Karim, A.M. (2018). Integrated Logistics Strategies on the Omani Logistics Firms* Competitiveness: A Measurement Model Approach. Australian Academy of Accounting and Finance Review, 4(1), 37-46.
  5. Ho, M.Y. & Daud, D. (2015). Perceptions of Logistics Students on Logistics Study Abroad Programme: The Case of a Private Higher Education Institution in Malaysia. Academic Research International, 6(3), 173-182.
  6. Lee, K.Q. & Daud, D. (2014). Real-time Information and Managing Infrastructure in Humanitarian Logistics Operation: An Exploratory Study. Canadian Social Science, 10(3), 37-42.
  7. Mohamed Syazwan, A.T. & Daud, D. (2013). Malaysia Logistics Higher Education: Past, Present and Future. IOSR of Research & Method in Education, 2(2), 63-68.
  8. Daud, D., Wong, D., Ho, W.K. & Lau, J. (2012). Curriculum, Administrative Easiness, Educational Pricing for the Programme Enrolment Intention: A Case froma Private Education Institution in Malaysia, Economica Seria Management, 15(2), 412-422.
  9. Dazmin, D., Halim, A., Kwek, C.K. & Keoy, K.H. (2011). An Exploratory Study on Logistician Competency: The Case of Malaysian Logistics Firms. International Business and Management, 3(2), 67-73.
  10. Dazmin,D., Kwek, C.L. & Keoy, K.H. (2010). The Relationship between Logistics Programme and Logistics Educational Needs: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Educational Research, 13(2), 99-107.
  11. Dazmin, D. (2009). Collaboration for Logistics Education in Malaysia. Bulletin of Higher Educational Research University Sains Malaysia, 13, 19-21.



  1. Kwek Choon Ling, Keoy Kay Hooi & Dazmin Daud. 2011. SPSS and AMOS: Crash Course for Beginners, 拻珨勛圖夥厙 Publishing House, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN: 78-67-10289-0-2.


Study Guide / Module

  1. Dazmin Daud. 2015. Study Guide International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Open University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Translator Module BBPB2103 Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, 2014, Open University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.


Proceedings of Conferences/Seminars/Colloquium

  1. Hang Joo Lee & Dazmin Daud. 2018. Factors Motivating Individual Creativity in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises: A Conceptual Paper. Proceedings of the Canadian International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences 2018, Toronto, Canada, 19-20 May 2018. ISBN: 978-1-88652-14-6.

Awards and Achievements

  1. Certificate of Teaching Excellent 2018, Faculty of Business and Information Science, 拻珨勛圖夥厙 University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  2. Long Service Award, 2017, 拻珨勛圖夥厙 University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3. Certificate of Excellence 2017, Faculty of Business and Information Science, 拻珨勛圖夥厙 University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

List of Postgraduate Supervision

  1. Name: Said Salim Al Shibi
    Programme :PhD in Business Administration, Binary University
    Title: Investigating the Influence of Integrated Logistics   Strategies on the Omani Logistics Firms Competitiveness.
    Status: Completed (Date of viva: 8 August 2018)
  2. Name: Hang Joo Lee
    Programme: Doctorate in Business Administration, 拻珨勛圖夥厙 University
    Title: Factors Motivating Individual Creativity in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprise.
    Status: On-going


External Examiners


October 2019

Medina University, Desa Petaling, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Subbah Muath Labib Suleiman 每 Mediating Role of Selected HRM Practices on Brand Equity: The Case of Public Listed Companies in Jordan., 8 October 2019.

March 2019

Medina University, Desa Petaling, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Mosab Tayseer Ekreyem Al-Rashdan 每 Factors Affecting the Usage of E-Banking Services among Jordanian University Students, 11 March 2019.

January 2019

Medina University, Desa Petaling, Malaysia external examiner for PhD student 每 Charles Guandanu Kamau 每 Efficacy of Monitoring in Achieving Project Success in Kenya: A Case of County Government*s Projects, 9 January 2019.

January 2019

Medina University, Desa Petaling, Malaysia external examiner for PhD student 每 Al-Zoubi Ibrahim Azzam Barakat 每 The Mediating Effect of Awareness Factors in the Usage of E-Commerce Services Among Jordanian Students, 2 January 2019.

July 2018

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Abdul Karem Mhammed Hussein 每 The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in the Relationship between Human Capital and Employees Performance in Yaman, 24 July  2018.

May 2018

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Sani Kabiru Saidu 每 The Moderating Role of Firm Size in the Relationship Between Financial Performance and Executive Compensation of the Nigerian Listed Banks, 31 May  2018.

April 2018

Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Damansara, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Ho Phooi Wai 每 Parking Demand and Shared Parking Services for Rail Stations: Empirical Evidence using TAM, 30 April 2018.

April 2018

AeU University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Chew Li Lian 每 The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices, Environmental Uncertainty and Supply Chain Flexibility on Malaysia SMEs* Competitive Advantage, 20 April 2018.

April 2018

University Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Rizqi Fakhri 每 The Mediating Effect of State Image on Education Tourism in Malaysia: A Study on Indonesian*s Student Behaviour in Choosing Higher Education in Malaysia, 6 April 2018.

January 2018

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Anas Nour Eddin 每 The Relationship Between Work Environment And Job Satisfaction In Damascus Islamic Schools, 23 January 2018.

September 2017

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Tareq Hasan Faisal Tamimi 每 The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Enhancing the Business Performance., 21 September 2017.

November 2016

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Mazen Mohammed Farea Al-Dubai 每 The Mediating Role of Awareness in the Intention to Use Internet Banking Among SMEs in Yamen, 23 November 2016.

June 2016

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Adamu Habu Bahyaye 每 Impact of Social Responsibility on Small and Micro Scale Enterprises*s Performance, 24 June 2016.

June 2016

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Tareq Faisal Hasan Tamimi 每 Key Factors Influencing Marketing Strategies: A study of Dead Sea Products Sector in Jordan, 15 June 2016.

May 2016

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Maged Mustafa Mahyoub Al-Dubai 每 Mediating Role of Leadership Styles Between Critical Success Factors and Project Success: A Case of Yemen*s Telecommunication Industries, 10 May 2016.

October 2015

Malaysia University of Science and Technology 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Lai Ving Kam 每 Continuous Cost Reduction in Fashionable Products Industries, 30 October 2015

February 2015

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Majed Hassan Ahmed Haba*a 每 The Impact of Motivating Work Environment on Employee Performance: An Empirical Study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 18 February 2015

March 2014

Medina University, Shah Alam, Malaysia 每 external examiner for PhD student 每 Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Nasser 每 Total Quality Management: Standards and Guidelines as Moderating Factors on Yemen Universities Status, 28 March 2014



February 2016

University Teknology MARA 每 external examiner for Master student 每 Adlia Noor Nadiah Abdul Rahman 每 Smart Commuting for Urban Low-Cost Residents to Workplace, 22 February 2016.

April 2014

University Teknology MARA 每 external examiner for Master student 每 Mior Mohd Hafizh Mior Hamzah 每 Deregulation and the Performance of Trach Carriers in Malaysia, 23 April 2014.

External Academic Advisor/Assessor

016 - Present

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Malaysia Education Committe

2015 - 2016

Academic Advisor for Faculty of Business, University Selangor

List of Membership in Professional and Academic Bodies

  1. Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Malaysia 每 Chartered Member since 1994.


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