
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Saeid Motevalli

Head of Programme, Master of Child Psychology

Academic Qualifications

PhD in Educational Psychology
Master of Art in General Psychology
Bachelor of Psychology (General Psycholoy)

Areas of Interest
Cognitive Psychology
Mental health and wellbeing
Correctional psychology and forensic psychology
Climate change pro-environmental behaviors
Educational psychology
Sport psychology

  1. Sun, J., Motevalli, S., & Chan, N. N. (2024). Exploring Writing Anxiety during Writing Process: An Analysis of Perceptions in Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners. Qualitative Research in Education, 1-16. (Q2).
  2. Wang, T., Motevalli, S., & Lin, J. (2024). Unveiling the Transformative Influence: Qualitative Insights into Teachers' Innovative Work Behavior in Chinese Higher Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23(1), 360-373. (Q3).

  3. Motevalli, S., Salahshour, H. M., & Bailey, R. P. (2023). The mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and mindfulness in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Affective Disorders. Received 9 March 2023, Revised 19 June 2023, Accepted 8 July 2023, Available online 20 July 2023. (Q1)  

  4. Khan, A. K., Al-Mulla, R. A., Reza, E., Motevalli, S., Bailey, R. P., & Talib, M. A. (2023). The Prerequisites of Sustainable Architecture for the Psychological Well-Being of the Older Adults: A Case Study of Inclusive Tourist Destinations. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(8s), 499-520. Retrieved from

  5. Shirehjini, S. N., Farahani, M. S., Ibrahim, M. K., Salman, H. M., Motevalli, S., & Mohammadi, M. H. (2023). Mechanisms of Action of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation with Weak Non-Constant Current Stimulation Approaches. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 18(1).

  6. Li, H., Tofigh, A. M., Amirfakhraei, A., Chen, X., Tajik, M., Xu, D., & Motevalli, S. (2022). Modulation of astrocyte activity and improvement of oxidative stress through blockage of NO/NMDAR pathway improve posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)‐like behavior induced by social isolation stress. Brain and Behavior, e2620. 

  7. Saeid Motevalli, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Wong Kai Yan, Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar, Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee. Athletes’ Psycho-Physical Training and Cognitive Restructuring Module to Enhance University-Athlete Students’ Well-Being. Open psychology Journal. 15. EA-TOPSYJ-2022-13.

  8. Sun, J., Motevalli, S., & Nee, C. N. (2022). A Systematic Review Of The EFL Writing Module Development And Implementation. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(11), 675-693.

  9. Abadi, F. H., Tiis, N. H. A. A., Zainuddin, F. F., Choeibuakaew, W., Elumalai, G., Sankaravel, M., & Motevalli, S. (2022). The impact of combination of core stabilization exercise and walking on pain perception and low-back pain disability. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 26(5), 276-283. 

  10. WANG, T., MOTEVALLI, S., & LIN, J. (2022). The Influence of Transformational Leadership on The Improvement of Teachers’ Innovative Work Behavior in Chinese Colleges and Universities. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 8674-8685.

  11. Saeid Motevalli, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Mohd Sahandri Ghani Hamzah, Fariba Hossein Abadi, Mohd Nazri Bin Abdul Rahman, Zhooriyati binti Sehu Mohamad. (2022). THE EFFECTS OF COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING AND STUDY SKILLS TRAINING ON TEST ANXIETY AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. JIRSEA 20 (1).

  12. Fariba Hossein Abadi, Ai Choo Lee, Nur Atikah Mohd Khairah, Fairus Fariza Zainudin, Saeid Motevalli. (2022). The Musculoskeletal Injury Profile of Aquatic Sport Athletes: A case study in UPSI. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences. 10 (2). DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.101309

  13. Kogilavani Krishnan, Fariba Hossein Abadi, Lee Ai Choo, Fairus Fariza Zainudin, Gunathevan Elumalai, Saeid Motevalli. (2022). Comparison Between Aquatic and Thera-band Exercises on Pain Intensity and Endurance among Obese Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences. 10 (2). DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.101301.

  14. Mohammad Saleh Shokouhi Qara Saadlou, Firoozeh Abolhasani Zadeh, Ayyub Sabbah, Saeid Motevalli. (2022). The Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses. 16 (3). DOI: 10.3371/CSRP. SMFZ.012422.

  15. Mohammad Saleh Shokouhi Qara Saadlou, Firoozeh Abolhasani Zadeh, Ayyub Sabbah, Saeid Motevalli. (2022). The Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses. 16 (3). DOI: 10.3371/CSRP. SMFZ.012422.

  16. Sulaiman, T., Ibrahim, A., Motevalli, S., Wong, K. Y., & Hakim, M. N. (2021). Effect of e-evaluation on work motivation among teachers during the movement control order in COVID-19: the mediating role of stress. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.

  17. Motevalli, S., Hamzah, M. S. G., Roslan, S., Hamzah, S. R. A., & Garmjani, M. G. (2021). The Effects of Study Skills Training on Qualitative Academic Achievement among Students. Asian Journal of University Education, 17(3), 130-141.

  18. Saeid Motevalli, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Mohd Sahandri Ghani Hamzah, Maryam Gholampour Garmjani, Nayereh G. Kamaliyeh and Samsilah Roslan. (2013). The Effects of Cognitive Restructuring Intervention on State and Trait Anxiety among Iranian High School Students. World Applied Sciences Journal, 26 (11). DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.26.11.1590

  19. Saeid Motevalli, Samsilah Roslan, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Sahandri Ghani Hamzah, Norlizah Che Hassan. & Maryam Gholampour Garmjani. (2013). New Study Skills Training Intervention for Students Who Suffer from Test Anxiety. Asian Social Science, 9 (7). doi:10.5539/ass.v9n7p85


  1. Climate Change Storytelling Module: Authored (Motevalli, Saeid), 2024. e-book, published by 五一吃瓜官网 Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with e ISBN 978-629-7673-07-3.
  2. The Autopsy of Pain and Violence in Prison: Authored (Motevalli, Saeid; EE, Xin Tian Samantha; Sandhu, Kaur Preethi), 2023. e-book, published by 五一吃瓜官网 Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with e-ISBN 978-629-7571-51-5.
  3. Self-Regulated Learning Writing Module: Authored (Jing, Sun & Motevalli, Saeid), 2023. e-book (SRLWM) published by 五一吃瓜官网 Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with e-ISBN 978-629-7571-36-2.
  4. Parenting Styles Tips: Authored book published by Sales Publication Co, Tehran, Iran, in 2019, in the Persian language.
  5. Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders: Translated book as the first translator, published by Sales Publication Co, Tehran, Iran, in 2019, in the Persian language.
  6. 94 Ways to Promote Self-Esteem in Kids: Authored book published by Saye Gostar Publication Co, Iran, in 2015, in the Persian language.
  7. Psychology of Success: Translated book published by Saye Gostar Publication Co, Iran, in 2015, in the Persian language.
  8. 52 Fable Tales for Kids: Translated book as the first translator, published by Saye Gostar Publication Co, Iran, in 2015, in the Persian language.
  9. Study Skills Training on Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement: Book published in Malaysia in 2014, in the Malay language


I have participated in over 30 conferences and have been involved in the following selected conferences:

1. Participant at the GLOCAK CALA 2023 – Symbolism and Society

i. Hosted by The University of Philippines Diliman, the Philippines

ii. Dates: May 16-19, 2023

2. Keynote Speaker for International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Practices (ICMRP-2022)

i. Date: 22nd November 2022

ii. Hybrid Conference organized by the Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) Philippines Chapter in association with Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University

3. Keynote Speaker for International Conference Of Research And Education For Educators (ICREE) 2022

4. Evolving Treatment Methodologies & Addictions (ETMA) International Conference

i. Dates: 29-30 July 2022

ii. Venue: DoubleTree by Hilton, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

5. Committee Member of The 2022 International Conference on Public Culture and Society Services (PCSS 2022) in Dalian, China

6. Enculturation, Education and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Impact of Culture and Education on Climate Change

i. Presented by Saeid Motevalli and Mina Tresa Anak Michael

ii. International e-Conference of Research and Education for Educators (e-ICREE) 2021

iii. Date: 17th July 2021

7. A New Look at the Role of Childhood Learning and Play in Couples' Interpersonal Relationships

i. Science of Life-Improvement Conference, USA

ii. Dates: 9-13th June 2021

8. The Effects of Study Skills Training on Qualitative Academic Achievement among Students

i. Presented by Saeid Motevalli, Mohd Sahandri Ghani Hamzah, Hazalizah binti Hamzah, Asma Perveen, Salami Mutiu Olagoke

ii. International h-Index e-conference of Research and Education for Educators (hi-ICREE) 2020

National and International Researches

1- Developing and Validating a Climate Change Storytelling Module: Enhancing Environmental Adaptation and Resilience Through Climate Fiction

i. Principal investigator

ii. 五一吃瓜官网U/CERVIE/REIG/Approval Letter/2022-03

iii. Grant amount: RM24,000

2. Development and Validation of a Sustainable Happiness Scale among Malaysian Adolescents with Suicidal Ideation

i. Co-researcher

ii. 五一吃瓜官网U/CERVIE/REIG/Approval Letter/2022-06

iii. Grant amount: RM25,000

3. Developing a Psycho-Physical Training and Cognitive Restructuring Module and Framework for Enhancing Young Athletes' Academic Achievement and Wellbeing

i. Co-researcher

ii. FRGS 2020-2022

iii. Grant amount: RM106,000

4. APEC SEE-PD2023: Sustainability and Environmental Education for Post-Disaster

i. Co-researcher

ii. Duration: 1st September 2023-31st August 2024

iii. Grant amount: U$65,000

5. Health and Well-being of Staff Working at Different Higher Education Institutions Globally during the Post-Pandemic Period

i. Principal investigator: Professor Dr. Muhammad Aziz Rahman Affiliation: Federation University Australia

ii. Co-researcher

iii. Reference: 2022/216

iv. Approval period: 07/02/2023 to 07/02/2028

6. Exploring the Concept of Parent-Child Relationship Using Indigenous Psychology Perspective: Study on Indonesian and Malaysian Context

i. Co-researcher

ii. Faculty of Education, Universitas Negri Yogyakarta Grant

iii. Duration: 2019-2020.

7. Investigation of Personality Characteristics, Individual and Social, Family and Religious Prisoners Characteristics when Entering Qazvin Prison

i. Principal investigator

ii. Iranian Government Research Grant

iii. Duration: 2017-2018.

8. Investigating the Causes of Changes in Drug Use Pattern from Traditional to Industrial and Chemical in Qazvin Province

i. Co-researcher

ii. Iranian Government Research Grant

iii. Duration: 2014-2015

9. Investigation of the Crime Zones of Qazvin Province according to Crime Areas and Location in Qazvin Central Prison

i. Principal investigator

ii. Issued by Drug Headquarters, Research and Training Office

iii. Iranian Government Research Grant

iv. Duration: 2013-2014

Academic Collaboration

Editorial BoardInternational Research Journal of Education and Sciences(IRJES
Editorial BoardInternational Journal on Neuropsychology and Behavioural Sciences(IJNBS)
Editorial BoardQuarterly Journal of Comparative Teacher Education Studies(QJCTES
Research EvaluatorEvaluator for 五一吃瓜官网 Research Excellence & Innovation Grant (REIG) Proposal五一吃瓜官网
Research BoardCentre of Research for Mental Health and WellbeingCORMHW-五一吃瓜官网
APAAmerican Psychology Association-MEMBER NUMBER: C2304410347APA
ISPAThe International School Psychology Association (ISPA)ISPA
NASPNational Association of School Psychologists (NASP)NASP
Member and Psychotherapy LicensePsychology and Counselling Organization of IRANPCOIRAN
Advisory MemberThe Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists(THEIRES)
Advisory MemberThe 2022 International Conference on Public Culture and Society Services (PCSS 2022) in Dalian, China(PCSS)
CollaborationMalaysia Association of Research and Education for Educators(MAsREE
CollaborationCanadian Institute for Transpersonal and Integrative Sciences(CITIS)
CollaborationYork University in Canada for Developing and Commercialization of Sales Ailes for Emotional Needs(SAFEN)
CollaborationThe French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (cirad) and Agence Fran?aise de Développement Group (AFD Group)(cirad) & (AFD
CollaborationGlobal Justice Resource Center, USA(GJRS)
CollaborationUniversity of Greenwich, London, UKUOG (UK
CollaborationCalifornia Correctional and Rehabilitation Department, USAUSA
CollaborationAlzahra University, Tehran, Iran.IRAN
CollaborationFarhangian Teacher Education University, Tehran, Iran.IRAN


PhD Supervision


  • 2022-Now: Song Rui (1002059338)- The Effectiveness of using "four major music teaching methods" in teaching music for music college in Shandong. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Sun Jing (1002059524)- The Influence of Blended Learning in Fostering English Competence in College English Class. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Guan Zhenyu (1002059600)- A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Professional Identify between China and Malaysia in Universities. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Zhou Hongbin (1002060277)- Research on the Visual Thinking of female photographic subject under the trend of feminism. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Wang Tian (1002060195)- A study on the relationship among subjective well-being, academic investment and academic achievement of private college students in China. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Ma Wenwen (1002060054)-The application of Confucius' six teachings in modern schools in ancient Chinese education - take confucius school as an example. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Wang Xujing (1002060780)- The explanation and education research of art design teaching in colleges and universities based on the interaction of new media research area. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Liu Yun (1002060545)- The future development direction of Chinese universities-green campus construction. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Huang Lu (1002060168)- The Diversified Development of ethnic vocal music teaching in Universities. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.
  • 2022-Now: Miao Xihang (1002161187)- Comparative study of Chinese and foreign primary school mathematics textbooks. Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Malaysia.


  • 2017 - 2021 Soltani Taleghani, N. Islamic Azad University_Tehran North Branch.” Explaining the effectiveness of the model of established methods in autism (functional behavior analysis of ABA, Snozlen, and Dosa) based on the level of attention in children with autism spectrum disorder”
  • 2015-2019 Ahmadi Faqih. Islamic Azad University_Qom Branch. “The Role of Emotional Intelligence Components Teachers (Composition Class) in Predicting Creativity Aspects of (Writing) of Students”
  • 2014 -2018 Narges Bahrami. Islamic Azad University_Tehran North Branch. “Developing a Model for Improving Creativity in Students and Comparing it with the TRIZ Model in Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Sense of Belonging at School”

Master Supervision

2014 - 2019 Supervision for 50 Master students in Iran in the field of Psychology.

2019 - now Supervision for 25 Master students (Clinical and Child psychology) in Malaysia in the field of Psychology.

Internal and External Examiner

2013-now I have served as both an internal and external examiner for over 200 master's theses across multiple universities, including:

  • Qazvin Islamic Azad University
  • Buin Zahra Islamic Azad University
  • Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
  • Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch
  • Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia
  • 五一吃瓜官网 University


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