
Assistant Professor Dr. Umathevi A/P Munikrishnan
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Umathevi A/P Munikrishnan

Head of Department, Management Studies ; Head of Programme, Bachelor of Financial Economics (Hons) | Department of Management Studies

Academic Qualifications

PhD Business Economics
Masters Economics
Bachelor Economics

Areas of Interest
Small Medium Enterprise - job creation, contribution of SMEs to the national economy
Tourism - Tourism development, rural tourism entreprenuership
Technology adoption - survival strategy
Business economics - cashless payment, e-commerce, mobile commerce, insurance
Entreprenurship - SMEs and rural entreprenurship

Current Research Project

  • Co-Principal Researcher, “Developing the pivot- performance decision model”. |Funded by 五一吃瓜官网 University Research Excellence and Innovation Grant (REIG) (2023-2025)


Completed research projects

  1. Name of grant: Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS) (Sub-Project 3)
    Funder: Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia
    Duration: 3 years (Jan 2013 – 30 December 2015)
    Project Title: Environmental Responsibility & Management Framework
    Role: Project leader, Sub-Project 3 “Re-defining and Re-branding Rural tourism in Malaysia
    Amount: RM150,000
    Status: Completed.
  2. Name of grant: Taylor’s Research Grant
    Funder: Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia
    Duration: 1.5 years (April 2010 – September 2012)
    Project Title: Factors Affecting Business Success among Small Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs); Empirical evidence from Klang Valley
    Role: Principal investigator (project leader)
    Amount: RM10,000
    Status: Completed.
  3. Name of grant: Taylor’s Research Grant
    Funder: Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia
    Duration: 1 years (March 2008 – February 2009)
    Project Title: Factors Affecting Business Success among Small Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs); Empirical evidence from Klang Valley
    Role: Principal investigator (project leader)
    Amount: RM10,000
    Status: Completed


To date, I have published 17 papers consisting of 10 journal articles, and 7 conference papers, from the year 2006 to present. I am the first author and/or the corresponding author for most of the papers.

The complete list of all my publications are as given below:

Journal Publications

  1. Munikrishnan, U. T. and Izni, N. A., Ali, A. M., Tajuddin, N. I. I. and Haron, N. F. and Mahmood, N. A. (2023) Finance, Accounting and Law in the Digital Age: The Impact of Technology and Innovation in the Financial Services Sector (pp. 67-79). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  2. Munikrishnan, U. T., Huang, K., Mamun, A. A., & Hayat, N. (2021). Business Perspectives and Research, 22785337211043968.
  3. Munikrishnan, U. T., & Al Mamun, A. (2021). International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research.
  4. Mamun, A. A., Rahman, M. K., Munikrishnan, U. T., & Permarupan, P. Y. (2021). SAGE Open, 11(4), 21582440211061373.
  5. Hayat, N., Al Mamun, A., & Munikrishnan, U. T. (2022). International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), 13(1), 1-16.
  6. Munikrishnan, U.T., Ng Siew Imm, Ho Jo Ann, Raja Nerina Raja Yosof. (2019). Disintermediation Threat: Do Small Medium Traditional Travel Agencies in Malaysia embrace ICT adequately? Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities JSSH, Vol.27(1).  (SCOPUS)
  7. Munikrishnan, U.T., Ng Siew Imm, Ho Jo Ann, Raja Nerina Raja Yosof. (2018) Drivers and Inhibitors of ICT Adoption in Malaysian Small and Medium Traditional Travel Agencies, International Journal of Economics and Management IJEM,12(S2), 633-647.  (SCOPUS)
  8. Munikrishnan, U. T., Rajaratnam, S. D., Mura, P., & Nair, V. (2015). Residents’ Participation in Rural Tourism: The case of KOPEL in Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism APJIHT, 181. (SCOPUS)
  9. Nair, V., Munikrishnan, U. T., Rajaratnam, S. D., & King, N. (2015). Redefining rural tourism in Malaysia: A conceptual perspective, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(3), 314-337. (ISI)
  10. Rajaratnam, S. D., Nair, V., Pahlevan Sharif, S., & Munikrishnan, U. T. (2015). Destination quality and tourists’ behavioural intentions: rural tourist destinations in Malaysia, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 7(5), 463-472. (ISI)
  11. Rajaratnam, S. D., Munikrishnan, U. T., Sharif, S. P., & Nair, V. (2014). Service quality and previous experience as a moderator in determining tourists’ satisfaction with rural tourism destinations in Malaysia: A partial least squares approach, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 144, 203-211. (SCOPUS)
  12. Munikrishnan, U. T., & Veerakumaran, B. (2012). A survey on business success factors influencing budget hotels in Klang Valley, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 21-35. (SCOPUS)
  13. Hema, S & Uma, T.M. (2011). Local Economic Impact of Heritage Tourist Spending at Melaka, Special Issue on Hospitality and Tourism - International Journal of Management Perspectives (IJMP) – 2011 - Volume No 3, Issue 1. (Peer Reviewed)
  14. Munikrishnan, U. T., & Verakumaran, B. (2009) Job creation in small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMTEs), TEAM Journal of Hospitality &Tourism, 6(1), 12-23.  (Peer Revieved)
  15. Munikrishnan, U. T., Elangkovan,N.A & Kartina, A.B. (2009) A Survey on Standard wage Determinant And Satisfaction: A study on Hotel Industry in Klang Valley”, Taylor’s Research Synopsis. Vol 1 Issue 2, 4th September.
  16. Wiramihardja, K. and  N'dary, V. and Al Mamun, A. and Munikrishnan, U. T. and Yang, Q. and Salamah, A. A. and  Hayat, N. (2022) Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 866753-866753.
  17. Munikrishnan, U.T. and Mamun, A.A. and Xin, N.K.S. and Chian, H.S. and Naznen, F. (2022) Journal of Science and Technology Policy.
  18. Thwin, C. S. S. and Ba Naga, S. S. A. and Munikrishnan, U. T. and Al Mamun, A. and Zainol, N. R. and  Salameh, A. A. (2021, November) In International Conference on Business and Technology (pp. 937-956). Cham: Springer International Publishing.



  1. Munikrishnan, U.T., Ng Siew Imm., Ho Jo Ann.  & Raja Nerina Raja Yosof, Drivers and Inhibitors of ICT Adoption in Malaysian Travel Agencies: TOE Perspective, FEP Seminar 2018 UPM Malaysia, 26th July. (2018)
  2. Munikrishnan, U. T.& Rajaratnam, S. D., Rural Tourism in Malaysia: Tourists’ Perception, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) International Conference, 14th-17th May, p.236-239. (2015)
  3. Munikrishnan, U. T, Government Support program for SMTEs in Malaysia, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) International Conference, July 13-16. (2010)
  4. Munikrishnan, U. T. & Bhuvanes,V.,  Job Creation in Small Micro Medium Tourism Enterprises, Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) International Conference, July 9-12. (2008)
  5. Munikrishnan, U. T., A partial study on the Small Enterprise Development and Job Creation in Malaysia, ERITA seminar organized by Taylor’s College School of Hospitality Management and Tourism and University of Toulouse France. (2007)
  6. Hema, S.& Munikrishnan, U. T, Local Economic Impact of Heritage Tourist Spending at Melaka, Malaysia, 5th Asia Pacific CHRIE & 13th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Joint International Conference, May 23-27. (2007)
  7. Munikrishnan, U. T, The Contribution of Tourism Service Sector to the Malaysian Economy. An Impact Analysis, 1st Asia Euro Conference, Taylor’s School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts. (2006)
  8. WeiLee Lim, Jeen Wei Ong, Munikrishnan, U.T and Putri Syaidatul Akma Mohd Adzmi. How do I decide: A pivot-decision model for technology startups. In: Technology Startups International Conference on Technology and Innovation Management (ICTIM 2023), 26th- 28th July, Multimedia University Malaysia. 
  9. WeiLee Lim, Jeen Wei Ong, Munikrishnan, U.T and Putri Syaidatul Akma Mohd Adzmi. How do I decide: A pivot-decision model for technology startups. In: Technology Startups International Conference on Technology and Innovation Management (ICTIM 2023), 26th- 28th July, Multimedia University Malaysia. 
  10. Chaw Su Su Thwin, Shaima Saeed Abdulrahman Ba Naga, Munikrishnan, U.T., Abdullah Al Mamun, Noor Raihani Zainol and Anas A. Salameh. Entrepreneurial Intention and Pre-start-up Behaviours among Malaysian University Students. In: The 9th International Seminar of Entrepreneurship, Business and Technology (ISEBT 2021), 26th- 27th September 2021, University Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
  11. Maged Abdelaal., Munikrishnan, U.T., Tee McXin. The Antecedents of Green Consumerism of Malaysian Urban Youth: YSN-ASN International Scientific Virtual Conference (ISVC) 2021, 29th March-1st April. 


Scholarly Activities

  1. Paper reviewer for PERTANIKA speciazl issue 2016, University Putra Malaysia (UPM)
    Cultural changes in Total IT outssourcing Dutch- American and Dutch-German Pairs,
  2. Paper reviwer for Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) 2014-2016
    Entertainment and Recreation in the Classical World- Tourism Products, APJIHT
    Overall Spectators’ Experiences of the 29th SEA Games in Kuala Lumpur.
    Risk Issue of KL Sea Games 2017.
    Entertainment and Recreation in the Classical World- Tourism Products
  3. Paper reviewer for ‘BEST EN Think Tank, Building Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Education Network (2014 – 2016)
    Towards Sustainable Tourism: What factors most influence decision makers in water-energy planning
    Rural communities’ participation in the planning and management of tourism developments: a case study from Lesotho
    Adoption and diffusion of sustainability in tourism and nature-based family firms: drivers and outcomes
    CSR and tourism practices in communities near mines: A South African case study
    Perceptions of local communities participation in rural tourism development in promotion of sustainable tourism: a case from Lesotho
    Rural renewal or requiem? Establishing new creative ventures through tourism development in the Namibian rural context
  4. Paper reviewer for TEAM Journal, TEAM Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
    How Does Tourist Value the Nature-based Tourism Sites? Re-examining Travel Cost Method in North-eastern Bangladesh
  5. Paper reviewer for APACRIE conference 2014
    A Meta-Analysis of Tourism and Hospitality Research in Taiwan
    The Landscape Ecological Construction for mountain tourist zones:Example of Fanjing Mountain, a Chinese Tourist Destination
    Profit or pleasure: A study of lifestyle firms in Far North Queensland
  6. Paper reviewer for ASIA EURO conference 2014
    Evaluating tourism’s economic effects: comparison of different approaches

Achivements & Awards

  1. Outstanding Mentoring Award in coaching students to win First Prize in South-South Entrepreneurship Academy First Cohort 2021 On Media an Entrepreneurship in Covid-19 Era Competition
  2. Outstanding Educator Award in recognition of coaching and mentoring students to obtain the 2nd runner up at the Monetary Policy Challenge organised by Tun Ismail Ali Chair (TIAC) Intervarsity Challenge 2022. 
  3. Best paper award: The 1st International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology (ICEIT 2022) 25-26 October 2022 Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kelantan, Malaysia


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