
Finance for Ladies: Empowering Women! Strengthening Nations!

The world has understood the importance of women's participation in economic growth. In developing countries, the role of women in various economic sectors has shown some resilience towards the economic output. The formal access to finance for women provides several benefits to companies, governments, and individuals' overall well-being. In many cases where women support household income, the families get better living standards. Many international authorities, such as the United Nations, have also understood the importance of women's participation in the economic sectors. These authorities consider financial inclusion a key enabler for women's economic empowerment. However, in almost all countries, women face challenges and barriers to access financial services. According to the latest statistics from the Global Findex database (2017), men dominate women to access financial services in low- and middle-income countries. Additionally, these countries also face lower financial and digital literacy levels in women that create challenges for them to participate in financial and modern economic decisions. So, women's participation increased entrepreneurial intentions, and access to financial resources is a must component.

About author:

Dr Muhammad Ali is associated with 五一吃瓜官网 Graduate Business School. He is currently hosting a special issue call for papers on "Financial Inclusion and Social Development for a Sustainable Economic System" in Emerald's International Journal of Social Economics. The present article is an extraction of one of the themes that is "Women financial inclusion and economic development" from the special issue.

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