
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Lim Ai Fen

Assistant Professor

Additional Role:
Manager, 五一吃瓜官网 Press

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy (Business and Management)

Areas of Interest
Total Quality Management
Knowledge Management
Organizational Innovation

Current research project

  • System to Enhance Learning Process 

Research Grants

No. Name of grantFunderProject TitleCodeDurationRoleAmountStatus
1PSIF Grant五一吃瓜官网 UniversityThe people-related TQM practices on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The moderation of collectivism in Malaysia.Proj-In-FOBIS-022October 2019 - September 2021Project leader20306.8In progress
2PSIF Grant五一吃瓜官网 UniversityThe impact of financial litreacy towards employabilities in financial industry   Proj-In-FOBIS-020April 2019-March 2021Co-researcher7000Completed
3PSIF Grant五一吃瓜官网 UniversitySocial Media Influencers: A New Form of Marketing Strategy?     Proj-In-FOBIS-021October 2019 - September 2021Co-researcher23156In progress




Selected Journal Articles

  1. Lim, A. F., Lee, V. H., Foo, P. Y., Ooi, K. B., & Tan, G. W. H. (2021). Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.
  2. Ai-Fen Lim, Radha Krishnan Nair, Pik-Yin Foo (2019), . International Journal of Innovation and Learning. (Indexed to Scopus)
  3. Chi-Yang Hng, Pik-Yin Foo,  Ai-Fen Lim, Radha Krishnan Nair (2020) International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
  4. Hung, S. K., Ching, P. S., & Fen, L. A. (2019, August). In Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on E-Business, Information Management and Computer Science (pp. 1-6).
  5. Lee, W., Neo, K. W., Eaw, H. C., Lim, A. F., & JosephNg, P. S. (2021, October). In 2021 5th International Conference on E-Business and Internet (pp. 184-193).

List of Postgraduate Supervision

To date, I have successfully supervised 2 postgraduate students at the Masters level. The details of the students are as given below.

  1. Goh Ting Ping
    (Completed) Master in Business Administration
    To Study the Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payments in Generation Y & Z: The Case of 五一吃瓜官网 University
  2. Liu Qingyu
    (Completed) Master in Business Administration
    Samsung: Strengthening Risk Management to protect consumers and corporate values 

List of Undergraduate Supervision

To date, I have successfully supervised 21 undergraduate students. The details of the students are as given below.

  1. Chan Rui Qi and Chen Qiwan
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting 
    Intention of Using Mobile Payment Applications and User's Satisfaction
  2. Sam Kim Hung and Por Siew Ching
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting 
    Accounting Students' Perception on Skills and Attributes required to become Management Accountant
  3. Huang Yuanying and Rashidova Oynur
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Dividend policy effects the stock price volatility in Malaysia Company
  4. Lim Ming Wee and Chia Jun Yong
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Macroeconomics Factors Affecting Currency Exchange Rate: Case in Malaysia
  5. Earnes Ong Swee Gim and Hue Shee Wen
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Macroeconomic Variables of Stock Market Volatility in Malaysia
  6. Lee Jun Yuan and Siew Kim Mun
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    A Case Study of Macroeconomic Determinants on Residential Housing Price in Malaysia & Singapore
  7. Pan Lin Ling and Lu Qi
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting and Finance     
    Fundamental Analysis in Finance Investment represents the logical methodology
  8. Tian Dengyu and Huang Xinyu
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting and Finance     
    A Study of Personal Investment Factors Affect the Personal Investment Decision
  9. Sam Yee Von and Peng Hui Shin
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Financial Literacy and Financial Problems among 五一吃瓜官网 University Undergraduate Students
  10. Jenson Chen Jian Shan and Yeo Chwen Yang
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    A Study of Factor Influencing Inventor's Behavior in Stock Market
  11. Ng Khai Hwa Edward and Yap Wai Lun
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Theory of Capital Structure on Firm Performance
  12. Wong Yoong Koon and Chai Lit Foong
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Fast Food with Mobile Payment Application Affect Customer's Satisfaction and Intention to Use
  13. Wong Kah Sam and Cha Wei Haw
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Impact of Merger and Acquisition in Malaysia Banking Industry Towards their Financial Performance
  14. Lang Jie Yi and William Pang Lam Fey
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    The Effects of Employment on Student's Academic Performance in 五一吃瓜官网 University Kuala Lumpur
  15. Teo Xin Yi and Ng Yuan Jye
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    The impact of Enterprise Risk Management and Mediating Effect of Knowledge Management on Firm's Financial Performance
  16. Liam Kian Lai and Khoo Wei Yee
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    A study of effects that associate with fund size of mutual fund towards performance of mutual fund
  17. Lim Tim Jing and Teoh Hung Sean
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Factors Influence Attitude towards Consumer Behavior
  18. Chang Zhi Wei and Tan Chai Sin
    (Completed) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Investment
    Factors Influencing 五一吃瓜官网 University Undergraduate Accounting Students' Decision to Pursue Professional Accounting Profession
  19. Cai Yuchuan and Zhang Zhihao
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting and Finance
    The impact of variables on the petrol price in Malaysia
  20. Cheng Pei Si and Soong Yee Sin
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting and Finance
    Effectiveness of Co-op Placement on 五一吃瓜官网 University Accounting Students Overall Performance
  21. Zhao Rui and Shi Hua Ling
    (Completed) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting
    A Study on the Factors Affecting the Undergraduates Budget Management and Improving their Budget Management in 五一吃瓜官网 University

List of Membership in Professional and Academic Bodies

  1. Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) – Member since 2013.
  2. Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) – Member since 2018.


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