
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Marcia Edna Santhanarajan

Assistant Professor | Department of Accounting and Finance

Academic Qualifications

PhD Business Economics

Master Business Administration (Finance)

Bachelor of Business (Accounting)

Areas of Interest
Behavioural finance and economics
Retirement and investment planning
FinTech and Sustainable finance.

Current research project

  • Land Title Solutions Across the World with Blockchain: A Review. - 2023 and ongoing
  • Investment Intention towards Socially Responsible Investments in Malaysia: An Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Financial Literacy Model.- 2024 and ongoing
  • Are Cryptocurrencies Under the Influence of Professional Stereotypes? An Empirical Study Of Banker Stereotypes And The Role Of Human Values On Cryptocurrency Acceptance By Customers In France. - 2025 and ongoing
  • Investor Involvement and Economic Realities: Shaping Retirement Investment Choices in Malaysia - 2026 and ongoing
  • Demystifying Green Growth: A Review of Green Policy and Practices. - 2027 and ongoing
  • Factors Influencing the Switching to AI-Chatbot in M-Banking: Cross-Country Evidence. - 2028 and ongoing

Research Grant

No. Name of grantFunderProject TitleCodeDurationRoleAmountStatus
1Fundamental Research Grant SchemeMINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATIONGreen Growth and Institutional Investors’ Investment Choices: Are Government Inventives Crucial?FRGS/1/2023/SS06/五一吃瓜官网/02/11.10.2023-30.9.2026Co. PIRM133,000.00Active
2五一吃瓜官网 Reseach Excellence and Innovation Grant五一吃瓜官网 UniversityGreen Growth and Institutional Investors’ Choices: Are Government Inventives Crucial?REIG-FBM-2022/0511.12.2022-30.11.2024Co. PIRM20,233.00Active


To date, I have 5 published; 4 journal article; 1 book chapter; and 1 conference proceedings, from the year 2016 to present. I am the first author and/or the corresponding author for these papers.

The complete list of my publications are as given below:

Journal Publications

  1. ?Rajan, M. E. S., & Abdullah, A. (2017). Global Business & Management Research: An International Journal(ERA), Vol: 9, 1s (pp.771-786), ISSN:1947-5667 (online).
  2. Rajan, M. E. S., Abdullah, A., Ab Razak, N. H., & Nor, N. (2021). Journal of Business and Economics, ISSN, 2155-7950.
  3. Dawood, H., Liew, C. Y., & Rajan, M. E. S. (2022). Cuadernos de Economía, 45, 132-144.
  4. M., D.H., Liew, C.Y., Rajan, M.E.S. (2024). In: Jreisat, A., Mili, M. (eds) Blockchain in Real Estate. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. 

 Conference proceedings

  1. Loon, A. C., Tee, K. H., & Santhana Rajan, M. E. (2019). EBIMCS '19: Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on E-Business, Information Management and Computer Science, August 2019, Article No.: 16, Pages 1–5. Available at:https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3377817.3377825


  1. Dawood, D. H., Liew, C. Y., & Rajan, M. E. S. (2023). Dawood, HM, Liew, CY, Rajan, MES (2023). Fintech Credit Platforms’ Perceived Risk Facets and Factors: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 15(01), 164-203.

Completed research project (undergraduate-level main research supervisor)

  1. Name:              Sim Su Yee & Tan Siew Wei
    Title:                Factors influencing auditors’ intention to quit in Klang Valley, Malaysia.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting & Finance  
  2. Name:              Andre & Kevandeep Singh
    Title:                The effect of real estate prices on investment in stock market among   young working adults in Kuala Lumpur.
    Programme:    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting   
  3. Name:             Alwin Loh & Khoo Seng Khaw
    Title:                Accuracy of management predictions of earnings per share.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting   
  4. Name:              Julius Nathaniel & Marsha Serena
    Title:                The perception on becoming qualified accountants of accounting bodies among university graduates.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting  
  5. Name:              Chow Pei San & Tan Kai Jien
    Title:                Influence of board gender diversity and board independence on firm performance in Malaysian industrial products sector.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting   
  6. Name:              Chua Min Yee & Leong Kar Yee
    Title:                Internal factors affecting SME performance in Malaysia.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting   
  7. Name:              Yap Li Tzun & Chow Li Queen
    Title:                The effect of corporate governance on stock liquidity in Malaysia: A study on the services sector.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting & Finance 
  8. Name:              Amanda Goo & Wong Ching Mun
    Title:                Factors influencing decisions to use credit cards among university students.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting & Finance 
  9. Name:              Tee Kien Hui & Loon Ann Chi
    Title:                Factors influencing life insurance consumption in Malaysia.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting & Finance 
  10. Name:              Wong Cheng Wai & Oh Boon Yang
    Title:                Factors influencing tax non-compliance attitude among individual taxpayers in Malaysia.
    Programme:     Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting & Finance 


  1. Loon Ann Chi, Tee Kien Hui, Marcia Edna Santhanarajan. 2019. Factors Influencing Life Insurance Consumption In Malaysia. 2019 International Conference on E-Business, Information Management and Computer Science (EBIMCS2019). December, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
  2. Marcia Edna Santhanarajan, Amalina Abdullah. 2016. Retirement Savings Investment Decision in Malaysia. International Conference on Leadership and Management 2016 (ICLM 2016). August, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3. Marcia Edna Santhanarajan, Monica Selvaraja, Kevandeep Singh, Andre Xu. 2016. The Effect of Real Estate Prices on Stock Market Investment: Evidence from Malaysia. 2016 Advanced Research on Business, Management and Social Sciences International Conference (BIMASA). December, 2016, Krabi, Thailand.

Awards and Achievements

  1. Certificate of Merit for Teaching 

Contributions to Society

  1. Departmental Community Service at Pertubuhan Kebajikan Orang Tua Cacat dan Kurang Upaya, Taman Connaught, K.L. & Volunteer at 五一吃瓜官网 COVID-19 Vaccination Centre, 2021
  2. Departmental Community Service at Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kaseh Sayang, K.L. & Volunteer at 五一吃瓜官网 COVID-19 Vaccination Centre, 2022
  3. Workshops on New Product Costing & Pricing at Chung Hwa School, K.L. and Johore schools at 五一吃瓜官网 University, 2023


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