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Assistant Professor Dr. Ghayth Kamel Shaker Al-Shaibani
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Ghayth Kamel Shaker Al-Shaibani

Assistant Professor | Department of English Language and Communication

Academic Qualifications

PhD Applied Linguistics 
MA Linguistics and English Language Studies
BA English Language

Areas of Interest
(Critical) Discourse Analysis
Anthropological Linguistics
Translation Studies
Educational Studies
Academic Discourse
Media Studies
Professional Bodies

  1. International Association for World Englishes (USA) (membership ID: USCI-R3-2018 from 1 January through 31 Dec. 2018)
  2. International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS, Japan) (membership ID: M008300 17 April 2018 - Present)  


Research Grants

  1. Name of grant: Short Term 
    Funder: Universiti Sains Malaysia
    Project Title: ESL Malaysian University Students' Attitudes Toward Plagiarism
    Code: PROJ-IN-FOSSLA-008
    Duration: 2 years (2014 - 2016)
    Role: Member & Author
    Amount: RM30000
    Status: Completed


Current research projects

  1. Ghayth K. Shaker Al-Shaibani. A Critical Discourse Analysis of the BBC’s News Report on New Iraq’s Oil Law
  2. Ghayth K. Shaker Al-Shaibani & Kais A. Kadhim. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Transsexuals from Two Cultures


  1. Maleerat Ka-kan-dee & Ghayth K. Shaker Al-Shaibani (2018). . Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 26 Issue (T), pp. 231-256. ISSN: 0128-7702; e-ISSN 2231-8534
  2. Fauzilah Md Husain, Ghayth K. Shaker Al-Shaibani & Omer Hassan Ali Mahfoodh (2017). , Journal of Academic Ethics, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 167–195 
  3. Shifaa Mohammed Abdullah, Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi, Ghayth K. Shaker Al-Shaibani & Ambigapathy A/L Pandian (2018). , International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-20
  4. Ghayth K. Shaker Al-Shaibani (2011). The Iraq War 2003: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Lambert Academic publishing, Germany.


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