
MBBC Brain Bee Competition

五一吃瓜官网 University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences recently hosted the Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge (MBBC) Zone K finals on 18th March 2019.


The competition, open to all secondary school students aged 15 to 17 years old, hopes to engage and inspire students in the field of neuroscience and a chance to represent Zone K at the MBBC Grand Final on the 5th and 6th July 2019, at Universiti Sains Malaysia (Kelantan Campus).


Malaysia, as one of the 50 countries participating in the International Brain Bee competition, will see the finalists from the MBBC Grand Final represent the country at the International Brain Bee competition at Daegu, South Korea in September 2019.


       The MBBC Zone K final had 50 students from 5 different schools participating. The schools are of the following:

  1. SMK Alam Damai
  2. SMJK Chi Wen
  3. SMK Cochrane
  4. SMK Taman Connaught
  5. Tsun Jin High School


At the end of the quiz, the students and teachers were given participation certificates, followed by an address by the Dean of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Asst. Prof. Dr. Mogana Sundari Rajagopal. She gave an engaging career talk on phamracy and the innovation and future of pharmacy in Malaysia. This was followed by a special laboratory demonstration session and tour by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


The MBBC program is organized by the Department of Neuroscience, School of Medical Sciences, USM, and endorsed by Bahagian Jaringan Industri dan Masyarakat (BJIM) USM, Malaysian Society of Neuroscience (MSN), and Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Kelantan Chapter, supported by Zone K organiser, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences 五一吃瓜官网 University.

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