
Dr. Hiew Lee Chea
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Hiew Lee Chea

Head of Research and Postgraduate Studies

Academic Qualifications

PhD Financial Economics
Bachelor Economics with Honours International Economics

Areas of Interest
Applied Macroeconomics
Behavioural Economics
Financial Economics
Fintech Adoption Intention
Green Economics
Wealth Management
Professional Certificate

  1. Certificate Examination in Investment-Linked Life Insurance (CEILLI)

Research (Grants / Project)

Government Agencies Go Cashless: How Do the Vulnerable Groups Value It?

Role: Project Leader
Sponsor: REIG-FBM-2022_012
Amount allocated: RM24,942.58
Duration: 1 June 2022 – 30 November 2023
Status: Work in progress


  1. Puah, C. H. and Hiew, L. C. (2010). Financial liberalization, weighted monetary aggregates and money demand in Indonesia. Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance, 8, 76-93.
  2. Hiew, L C., Puah. C. H. and Habibullah, M. S. (2013). The role of advertising expenditure in measuring Indonesia’s money demand function. The Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 2(1), 130-137.
  3. Hiew, L. C., Puah, C. H., Arip, M. A., and Chong, M. T. (2019). Role of advertising expenditure as an Influential Non-traditional regressor in Russia's money Demand specification. International Journal of Financial Research, 10(6), 232-240. (SCOPUS Q4)
  4. RCE Kuching. (2021). World Rivers Day 2021: Asia Pacific Forum. Global RCE Network: Education for Sustainable Development. Available at: http://www.rcenetwork.org/portal/ worldrivers-day-2021-asia-pacific-forum-0
  5. Hiew, L. C., Chin H. Y, Mark Kasa, E., and Soe, M. H. (2021). Intention to Use Self-Service Technologies in Airline Industry Under Covid-19 Pandemic. Hospitality and Tourism Management Research Report, 五一吃瓜官网 Press, Volume 1, pp. 11-13, ISBN 97777-281-137-200-3; e-ISSN 2844-3721.
  6. Hiew, L. C., Lee, H. A., Leong, C. M., Liew, C. Y., and Soe, M. H. (2022). Do they really intend to adopt e-wallet? Prevalence estimates for government support and perceived susceptibility. Asian Journal of Business Research, 12(1), pp. 77-98. (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC “C”)

List of Research Supervision

List of Postgraduate Supervision

To date, I have successfully supervised 9 postgraduate students at the MBA level for their research project/dissertations. I am currently supervising 1 PhD student and 4 postgraduate students at the MBA level for their research project/dissertations.  The details of the students are as given below.

  1. Doctor of Philosophy, 五一吃瓜官网 University
    1. Cui Dingchen (On-going)
      Phd (Business and Management)
      五一吃瓜官网 University
      Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Chinese Mining Firm
      Role: Co-supervisor

  2. Master of Business Administration (MBA), 五一吃瓜官网 University – Research Project
    1. Zheng Runmei (Completed, 2021)
      Chinese consumers’ acceptance of Item-level Radio Frequency identification (RFID) technology use in fast-moving consumer Goods (FMGG)
      Role: Main supervisor
    2. Zhang Wenting (Completed, 2021)
      Consumers’ Behavioural Intention to Accept Electronic Payment in Malaysia Youth
      Role: Main supervisor
    3. Yan Xuyuan (Completed, 2021)
      Fintech in Covid-19 and Beyond: Perception of Malaysian Consumers Toward Cashless Society in Government Services
      Role: Main supervisor
    4. Ye Huimin (Completed, 2021)
      Consumer Behavioural intention to Use E-wallet with Multiple Payment Methods
      Role: Main supervisor
    5. Yuan Jing Ming (Completed, 2021)
      Factors Affecting Consumer to Adopt Mobile Payment Services
      Role: Main supervisor
    6. Zeng Xin (Completed, 2022)
      The Future of Cashless Payment: Adoption Intention of Wearable Payment Technology
      Role: Main supervisor
    7. Han Xue (Completed, 2022)
      The Effect of Gratification on User Attitude and Continuance Use of Mobile Payment Technologies: Evidence from China<
      Role: Main supervisor
    8. Li Sisi (Completed, 2022)
      A Study on the Impact of Stock Market Return Fluctuations on the Operating Performance of Insurance Companies
      Role: Main supervisor
    9. Wang Yangyang (Completed, 2022)
      The Impact of R&D Expenditure on Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Capital Structure
      Role: Main supervisor
    10. Liu Dun (On-going)
      The Factor of Adoption of E-wallet in Malaysia
      Role: Main supervisor
    11. Ma Xiaosong (On-going)
      Investigation and Analysis of User Satisfaction of English Online Education Platform
      Role: Main supervisor
    12. Gan Wei Hong (On-going)
      The Impact of Financial Literacy on Retirement Planning: Evidence of Young Adult in Malaysia
      Role: Main supervisor
    13. Yu Jia (On-going)
      Role: Main supervisor



List of Undergraduate Supervision, 五一吃瓜官网 University – Theses/Dissertations

To date, I have successfully supervised 7 undergraduate students at the degree level for their final year research project, and I am currently supervising 12 undergraduate students. The details of the students are as given below.

  1. Tan Yun Bing (Completed, 2021)
    BA (Hons) in Commerce
    Traveller Acceptance Towards App-based Mobile Tour Guide: The Case in Kuching
    Role: Main supervisor
  2. Chin Hui Ying (Completed, 2021)
    BA (Hons) in Commerce
    Consumer’s Intention to Use Self-Service Technologies in Airline Industry
    Role: Main supervisor
  3. Adrian Lee Hung (Completed, 2021)
    BA (Hons) in Commerce
    COVID-19 and E-wallet Usage Intention: Mediating Effect of Perceived Usefulness
    Role: Main supervisor
  4. Yong Kiat Seng (Completed, 2021)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Fintech in Covid-19 and Beyond: Factors Affecting Customers’ Choice of Fintech Applications
  5. Sheavin Udit Anak Janary (Completed, 2021)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Fintech in Covid-19 and Beyond: Factors Affecting Customers’ Choice of Fintech Applications
    Role: Main supervisor
  6. Lee Chee Wang (Completed, 2022)
    BA (Hons) in Commerce
    The Impact of Sales Promotional Tools Towards Brand Loyalty and Consumer Buying Behaviour in Malaysia’s Top E-Commerce Platform
    Role: Main supervisor
  7. Chung Yi Tong (Completed, 2022)
    BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management
    The Determinants of Pet Adoption Intention from Pet Café
    Role: Main supervisor
  8. Lee Kah Yii (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    The Dark Side of “Buy Now Pay Later”
    Role: Main supervisor
  9. Alan Lew Toh Hong (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Factors affecting investment decision: The Mediating Role of Information Authentication
    Role: Main supervisor
  10. Calvin Ting Pang Seng (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Factors Affecting the Elderly Consumer’s Adoption of Cashless Transactions in Sarawak’s Government Agencies
    Role: Main supervisor
  11. Johnny Lau Huai Yiu (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Factors Affecting Personal Financial Management Behaviours: Evidence of Young Consumers in Sarawak
    Role: Main supervisor
  12. Wong Kho Ong (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Factors Influencing Personal Financial Planning among Young Working Adults in Sarawak
    Role: Main supervisor
  13. Bong Zhang Yuan (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    The Mediating Role of Financial Behaviour in Financial Well-being of Private University Students
    Role: Main supervisor
  14. Gabriel Lee Jia Chun (On-going)
    Bachelor of International Business (Honours)
    Country-of-Origin Effects of Tuak (Rice Wine): The Perspective of Consumers in Malaysia
    Role: Main supervisor
  15. Sopia Anak John (On-going)
    BA (Hons) in Commerce
    The Influence of E-Commerce Live Streaming on Consumer Repurchase Intentions
    Role: Main supervisor
  16. Eason Chen Yih Zhi (On-going)
    BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management
    Post Covid-19 Travel Behaviour and Acceptance of Mobile Tourist Guide Application
    Role: Main supervisor
  17. Chong Kui Ping (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Factors Influencing Malaysian's Cashless Payment Methods Adoption in Malaysia's Public Service Sectors
    Role: Co-supervisor
  18. Sia Piin Shyan (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Benefits and Sacrifices of Cashless Transactions in Malaysia’s Government Agencies: The Perspective of Young Consumer
    Role: Co-supervisor
  19. Ronald Ting Guan Hong (On-going)
    BComm (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Determinants of the Financial Well-being Among Private University Students in Malaysia: The Mediating Effect of Financial Behaviour
    Role: Co-supervisor


Awards and Achievement

  1. 顿别补苍’蝉 List Award for academic excellence awarded by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University Malaysia Sarawak for six semesters in a row (2007-2010).
  2. Silver Medal for research paper titled “Financial Liberalization, Weighted Monetary Aggregates and Money Demand in Indonesia” at UNIMAS R&D Expo 2010. Organised by Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. 28-29 March 2010.
  3. Gold Medal for research paper titled “The Impact of Advertising Expenditure towards Money Demand Function in Indonesia” at UNIMAS R&D Expo 2011. Organised by Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. 28-29 March 2011.
  4. 3rd Prize Winner under category of Business and Economics for research paper titled “The Role of Advertising Expenditure in Money Demand Function for China” at The 5th International Conference on Postgraduate Education (ICPE-5) 2012. Organised by the Malaysian Deans of Graduate Studies Council (MyDEGS), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Universiti Teknology Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), 18-19 December 2012.
  5. Silver Medal for research paper titled “The Use of Divisia Index in Measuring Money Demand Function” at UNIMAS R&D Expo 2013. Organised by Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. 20-21 March 2013.
  6. Honourable Mention for 2021 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
    RCE Kuching - RCE Asia-Pacific Thematic Collaboration: Rivers, Water and Livelihoods
    SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; Thematic Category: Curriculum Development
    Details are available at:

  7. Outstanding Educator 2020/2021, Faculty of Business and Management, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Sarawak Campus.

List of Membership in Professional and Academic Bodies

  1. Member, The Society of Economic Measurement (since October 2019)
  2. Fellow, RCE Kuching (since December 2019)
  3. Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator program (since April 2020)

Selective contribution

  1. Building A Business On Zero Waste, July 30, 2020.
    (Webinar/Online Forum Moderator & Organiser)

    Facebook Live (五一吃瓜官网 Sarawak Campus):

    YouTube Live (五一吃瓜官网 Sarawak Campus):

  2. Young Entrepreneur: Turn Your Entrepreneurial Dreams into Reality, September 17, 2020.
    (Webinar/Online Forum Moderator & Organiser)

    Facebook Live (五一吃瓜官网 Sarawak Campus):

    YouTube Live (五一吃瓜官网 Sarawak Campus):

  3. Lab for Collection of Critical Economics and Business Data, 24 March 2021 Organised by Economic Planning Unit, Sarawak.
    (Invited guest)

  4. World Rivers Day 2021: Asia-Pacific Forum, August 27, 2021.
    (Webinar/Online Forum Moderator & Organiser)

    Bulletin at RCE Global Network:

    Facebook (RCE Kuching):

  5. FBM Kuching Campus Dean's List and Staff Award Ceremony 2021, December 3, 2021.
    (Event Committee & Event Floor Manager)
  6. FBM Kuching Campus Launching of Diploma in Accounting 2022, August 19, 2022.
    (Event Committee)

  7. Volunteer liaison officer at The International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) 2022, 五一吃瓜官网 University, Kuching Campus. 1st – 3rd September 2022.


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