The fight to alleviate human suffering from diseases is a complex one. New complications arise constantly and medical advancement must follow suit. We understand this at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and our students... are groomed to possess a thorough understanding of the genetic underpinnings of human diseases. Our medical courses are suited for those who aspire to make a difference and advance research in top medical universities such as Harvard and University of Melbourne.
The faculty offers a wide range of medical courses, optometry courses and nursing courses. If reaching out and making the world a better place is what you strive for then we would like to hear from you.
Graduate Attributes
To enable graduates to:- Function within the social and cultural context of Malaysia and the global community.
- Be active collaborators and participants in the health care delivery system.
- Meet the needs of well-informed and an increasingly affluent consumers.
- Adapt to the profession’s emerging roles in clinical specialization, leadership, education, management, research, information technology and entrepreneurship.
- Embrace the values of lifelong learning through self-directed, problem-based learning and evidence-based practice.
Vision & Mission
To become an internationally networked and globally competitive, premier Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, committed to providing excellent in education, research and community services.
To become an internationally networked and globally competitive, premier Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, committed to providing excellent in education, research and community services.
- To provide excellent Medical Education that is:
- Innovative
- Internationally recognized
- Affordable
- To ensure excellence in research by
- Providing state-of-the-art facilities
- Engaging highly qualified researches
- Collaborating with internationally recognized research institutions
- To contribute high quality Community Services through:
- Providing internationally recognized, highly-skilled and compassionate medical doctors
- Integration with stakeholders
- Social corporate responsibility endeavours