
Anita Bt Abu Bakar
Research Impact:

Anita Binti Abu Bakar

Lecturer | Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering

Academic Qualifications

MSc. Chemical Engineering
B.Eng. (Hons) Chemical Engineering

Areas of Interest
Biomass Production
Environmental Remediation
Renewable energy

Current Research Project

  1. Catalyst
  2. Biomass


  1. Anita Abu Bakar, Robiah Yunus, Luqman Chuah, Fakhrul Razi Ahmadun, (2006). A Study on Effect of Hydroxyl Group On Lubrication Properties of Palm Based Trimethylolpropane (TMP) Esters. Proceeding of the International Conference and Exhibition on Green Chemistry, 19-21 September 2006.
  2. Anita Abu Bakar and Robiah Yunus, (2005). The Effect of Hydroxyl (-OH) Group on Lubrication Properties of Palm Oil-Based Synthetic Esters - Development of Synthesis Method. Proceedings of the Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2005) in conjunction with 2nd International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering”, 8 - 10 December 2005, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


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