
Mohamed Al-Gailani
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Mohammed W. Muhieldeen Al-Gailani

Assistant Professor | Department of Mechanical Engineering

Academic Qualifications

PhD Mechanical Engineering
MSc Mechanical Engineering
BSc Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Teaching

Areas of Interest
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
CFD Analysis
Design Analysis
Thermal Comfort in Buildings
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
Heat Exchanger
Wave Energy
Saving Energy in Buildings
Solar Panel
Professional Bodies

  1. C.Eng from IMechE (UK). 
  2. Graduate Member of The Institution of Mechanical Engineering (IMechE) 
  3. Graduate Member of Board of Engineering Malaysia (BEM) 
  4. Graduated Member of Iraqi Engineering Union.  


  1. PhD Thesis Entitled: Passive Strategies to Cool Building and Terraced House in Tropical Climate by u sing thermal insulation (on-going).
  2. Master Thesis Entitled: Polyethylene Single Bubble Insulation Capability in Reducing Cooling Load of a Lecture Hall (Completed). 

五一吃瓜官网 Internal Grants 

  1. Design, Fabrication and Analysis of Heat Exchanger Prototype for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Plant. (PI), May 2019 – April 2021. RM 38,500. (ongoing) 

External Grant 

  1. Development of the lab scale Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion  (OTEC) demonstration unit. MTC Engineering (PI), September 2016  to April 2017.  RM5,000 


  1. Tey Wah Yen, Nor Azwadi Che Sidik, Yutaka Asako, Mohammed W. Muhieldeen, Omid Afshar. Moving Least Squares Method and its Improvement: A Concise Review. J. Appl. Comput. Mech., 7(2) (2021) 883-889. (Scopus). 
  2. Mohammed W. Muhieldeen, Lim Zhen Yang, Lim Chong Lye, Nor Mariah Adam, Analysis of Optimum Thickness of Glass Wool Roof Thermal Insulation Performance. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 76, Issue 3 (2020) 1-11. (Q3). 
  3. Mohammed W. Muhieldeen, Y. R. Lim, Sunil Govinda, Wah Yen Tey. Investigation of the Effect of Awning Using Sunlight Sensor to Reduce Cooling Load in the Room. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 70, Issue 1 (2020). (Q3). 
  4. Mohammed W. Muhieldeen, Q.Y. Wong, Ummi Zulaikha Abd Rahman, Wah Yen Tey. Energy Saving by Applying Different Wall Thermal Insulations on a Room at Malaysian. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 65, Issue 1(2020) 130-139. (Q3). 
  5. Priscilla Francesca, Wah Yen Tey, Lit Ken Tan, M.W. Muhieldeen. Investigation on Generalised Trapezoidal Differencing Time-Marching Scheme for Modelling of Acoustical Wave. CFD Letters12, Issue 2 (2020) 11-21. (Scopus). 
  6. Yu Han Ng, Wah Yen Tey, Lit Ken Tan, Gerald Pacaba Arada, M.W. Muhieldeen. Numerical Examination on Two-Equations Turbulence Models for Flow Across NACA 0012 Airfoil with Different Angle of Attack. CFD Letters12, Issue 2 (2020) 22-45. (Scopus). 
  7. M.W. Muhieldeen*, Kuang Y. C, Combined Air-Conditioning, and Air Circulation for Thermal Comfort. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, ISSN: 2289-7879. (2018). (Q3). 
  8. M.W. Muhieldeen*, M.S.S.Kassim. Effect of Rockwool Insulation on Room Temperature Distribution.  International Journal of Advance Software Computer Application, Vol. 9, No. 3, Nov 2017, ISSN 2074-8523. (Q3).  
  9. M.W. Muhieldeen*, N. M. Adam, B.H. Salman. Experimental and Numerical Studies of Reducing Cooling Load of Lecture Hall. Energy and Buildings Journal. Volume 89, 15 February 2015, Pages 163–169. I.F: 2.973 (Q1). 
  10. M.W. Muhieldeen*, Danson Loi, Vishnuvarthan A/L Paramanandam, Wong Mun Fai, Barrathan A/L Arthimoorthy, Yeo Chuan Wei, Kanesskumar A/L Latchumanan, Gabriel Koh. Combined Ventilation Methods in a Large-Scale Warehouse Building to Reduce Indoor Air Temperature. American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 5, 2015, pp. 74-78. 
  11. M. W. Muhieldeen, N. M. Adam, D ato’ E lias S alleh a nd B. H. Salman, Polyethylene Single Bubble Insulation Potential Reducing Cooling Load of Lecture Hall in Hot at Humid Climate. Under review in Energy and Building Journal (Elsevier Site).
  12. B.H. Salman, M.Z. Hamzah, J. Purbolaksono, J.I. Inayat-Hussain, H.A. M ohammed, M.W. Muhieldeen, Determination of Correlation Functions of the Oxide Scale Growth and the Temperature Increase. Engineering F ailure A nalysis Journal 18 (2011) 2260 – 2271 (Elsevier Site).
  13. M. W. Al – Gailani, N. M. A dam, Passive Strategies to Cool Terraced House in Serdang. HRC Na tional Affordable Q uality Housing C onference (NAQH), 11 -13 M arch, 2013 (Under Review).
  14. M. W. Al - Gailani, N. M. Adam1, Ahsanul. K., A. Drive, L. K. Moey, W. N. C hung a nd C . L . Lim, Characterization of Temperature Distribution and Thermal Comfort for Canteen at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Energy M anagement in Development Countries Seminar. (20.12.2012).
  15. M. W. Al - Gailani, N. M. Adam, Ahsanul. K., A. Drive and Lim CL, Potential Saving Energy for Canteen Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang. Energy Man agement i n D evelopment Countries Seminar. (20.12.2012).
  16. M. W. Muhieldeen, N. M. Adam, Dato’ Elias Salleh, S. H. Tang, Hr.Ghezavati, CFD Simulation on Use of Polyethylene Single Bubble to Reduce Radiant Heat on Lecture Hall. International Advanced of T echnology Congress ( ATCi), PWTC, M alaysia. November 3-5, 2009.
  17. M. W. Muhieldeen, N. M. Adam, Dato’ Elias Salleh, S. H. Tang, Q. J. Kwong, Student Behavior That Leads to Energy Abuse at A teaching Institution in Malaysia. 9th SENVAR + 2nd ISESEE 2008, humanity + technology, FSPU, UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 1-3 December, 2008. 


  1. Lim Zheng Yi, Lim Chong Lye, Ramli bin Osman, Mah Chia Wen, and Mohammed W. Muhieldeen Al-Gailani*. Kinetic Powered Phone Battery Charger. CUTSE 2013 Conference, Curtin University, 3rd – 4th December 2013. ISBN 978-983-44482-4-0. 
  2. M.W. Al-Gailani*, N. M. Adam, Passive Strategies to Cool Terraced House in Serdang.  HRC National Affordable Quality Housing Conference (NAQH), 11th – 13th March 2013.  
  3. M.W. Muhieldeen*, N. M. Adam, Ahsanul. K., A. Drive, L. K. Moey, W. N. Chung and C. L. Lim, Characterization of Temperature Distribution and Thermal Comfort for Canteen at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Energy Management in Development Countries Seminar. (20.12.2012) 
  4. M.W. Muhieldeen*, N. M. Adam, Ahsanul. K., A. Drive and Lim CL, Potential Saving Energy for Canteen Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang. Energy Management in Development Countries Seminar. (20.12.2012).  
  5. M.W. Muhieldeen*, N. M. Adam, Dato’ Elias Salleh, S. H. Tang, Hr. Ghezavati. CFD Simulation on Use of Polyethylene Single Bubble to Reduce Radiant Heat on Lecture Hall at International Advanced Technology Congress (ATCi 2009), hold on 3rd - 5th November 2009 at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, organized by Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA) Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). 
  6. M.W. Muhieldeen*, N. M. Adam, Dato’ Elias Salleh, S. H. Tang, Q.J. Kwong. Student Behavior That Leads to Energy Abuse at A teaching Institution in Malaysia. 9th SENVAR + 2nd ISESEE 2008, humanity + technology, FSPU, UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 1st – 3rd December 2008. 

Editorial Board

  1. Science Journal of Energy Engineering
  2. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
  3. Journal of Advance Research in Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
  4. Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer.

Awards and Recognitions

  1. Best Presentation award in the 2018 during the 2nd International Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 2018, which is held in Malaysian-Japan International Institute of Technology 1st of December 2018. 


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