
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Dr Teoh Swee Chai

Head of School, Optometry | School of Optometry

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy                                           
Master in Health Sciences (Optometry)

Areas of Interest
Myopia and ocular biometry
VDU and digital eyestrain
Contrast sensitivity and spatial vision
Binocular vision
Current Research Project

  1. Collaboration DES project with QUT, Australia and UiTM, Malaysia


  1. Axial length change with short-term exposure to visual stimuli with a limited range of spatial
  2. Vision and axial length changes with diffuse and defocus blur.
  3. The short-term effect of diffuse and defocus blur on axial length and vision.
  4. The short-term effect of diffuse and defocus blur on axial length and vision.
  5. The effect of diffuse blur on contrast sensitivity and visual acuity. 
  6. Pupil diameter reduced with extremely close working distance. 
  7. Pupil diameter and accommodation functions in Malay myopic population in University students. 
  8. VDU (Visual Display Unit) and its effect on Contrast Sensitivity Among Schoolchildren. 
  9. Computer Related near work : It changed the ocular functions among a group of fresh-young-computer users? 
  10. Oculomotor Functions Following Short-Term Sustained Near Work With And Without VDU EIVOC 2005. 
  11. VDU Related Task and Accommodation Response Time.
  12. Visual Display Unit (VDU) and Visual Functions Among The Schoolchildren. 
  13. Sustained VDU Usage Reduced The Contrast Sensitivity. 
  14. Visual Display Units (VDU) reduced contrast sensitivity. 
  15. Perubahan jangka pendek penglihatan binokular selepas penggunaan unit paparan visual di kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah. Short term changes in binocular visual functions following usage of visual display units in schoolchildren.
  16. Kesan penggunaan komputer ke atas keefisienan fungsi system akomodasi. The effect of computer usage on the efficiency of accommodation system functions. 
  17. Bagaimanakah pendedahan kepada komputer mempengaruhi daya pemfokusan di kalangan pengguna yang rabun  jauh? How does exposure to computer work affect the focusing ability among the myopic computer users?
  18. Kesan penggunaan unit paparan visual ke atas Non Invasive Tear Break Up Time (NIBUT). The effect of visual display units (VDU) on Non Invasive Tear Break Up Time (NIBUT). 
  19. Kesan penggunaan unit paparan visual (UPV) ke atas stability lapisan air mata prakornea dari segi corak lapisan air mata. The effect of visual display units (VDU) usage on the stability of pre corneal tear film, from the aspect of tear film pattern. 
  20. A survey of computer work induced symptoms among a population of computer users. 
  21. Kajian mengenai tahap kesedaran penjagaan penglihatan terhadap kanak-kanak.

Awards and Recognitions

  1. Third Prize (Best poster presentation)(Pupil diameter and accommodation functions in Malay myopic population in University students)
  2. Third Prize (Best Poster presentation) (Visual Display Unit) and its effect on Contrast Sensitivity Among Schoolchildren)
  3. Bronze Medal (Poster presentation) (Visual Display Unit (VDU) and Visual Functions Among The Schoolchildren)
  4. Second Prize (Best poster presentation) (Computer usage does not affect the stability of tear film? )
  5. Third Prize (Best Poster presentation) (Bagaimanakah pendedahan kepada komputer mempengaruhi daya pemfokusan di kalangan pengguna yang rabun  jauh?)

Networks and Collaborations on Research

  1. Collaboration DES project with QUT, Australia and UiTM, Malaysia

Contributions to Society

  1. 12 March 2015 to 2017 - Committee member of Conjoint Contact Lens Committee, Malaysian Optical Council
  2. December 2016 - 2017 - Committee member for Professional Qualificaation Assessment, Malaysian Optical Council
  3. 19 March 2017 - OneSight/THONEH/LION - Sayangi Maata Vision Clinic Project with OneSight Project 
  4. 2016 - Member of Mesyuarat Jawantankuasa Penilaian untuk Kelayakan Yang Tiada Dalam Jadual, Malaysian Optical Council
  5. 8 Mar 2015 – Sukarelawan Program Titisan Murni Siri 03/2015
  6. 9 Oct 2015 - Coordinating for vision screening for THONEH World Sight Day 2015
  7. 2012 - Vision screening projects by THONEH 


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