
Assistant Professor Puvaneswaren A/L Parmasivam

Assistant Professor Puvaneswaren A/L Parmasivam

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications

BSc Microbiology


P.Buvanesh, Manaba Inuzukam, Mohammad Imad (2007). A molecular study to elucidate the prevalence of C.pneumoniae and its link with atherosclerosis.
Presented the findings of our research (poster presentation) at the17th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. April, 2007; Munich, Germany. 


  1. Author to "A molecular study to elucidate the prevalence of C.pneumoniae and its link with atherosclerosis. Published in Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases in April, 2007.
  2. Author to "The role of C. pneumoniae in the progression of atherosclerosis, leading to cardiovascular diseases. " published in E-International Medical Journal, IIUM, Volume IV, pg: 12- 22 in 2005.


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