
Assistant Professor Ir. Dr. Mahmud Iwan Solihin
Research Impact:

Associate Professor Ir Dr Mahmud Iwan Solihin


Associate Professor | Department of Mechanical Engineering

Additional Role:
Dual Role Manager, OPS

Academic Qualifications

PhD Engineering
MSc Mechatronics Engineering
BEng Electrical Engineering

Areas of Interest
Artificial Intelligence-Machine learning
Control engineering
Data-driven spectroscopy
Meta-heuristics optimization
Mechatronics Systems
Machine Learning
Robotic and automation
Professional Bodies

  1. Malaysian Society for Automatic Control Engineers (MACE)
  2. Board of Engineer Malaysia (Graduate Member Member)
  3. Malaysia Robotics & Automation Society (MyRAS)
  4. Institution of Mechanical Engineers - IMechE (Associate Member)
  5. Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII-IPM)


Research Grant

  1. Prototype Design and Fabrication of an Automatic Lab-scale Rotary Tower (completed)  

  1. Title: Development of an electric sensing (e-sensing) device for rapid detection of pesticide residue in crops (completed) 

  1. Measuring Sleep Quality Based on Artificial Intelligence Approach (completed) 

  1. Consultancy service to TNB: Evaluation & Prediction of Sediment Load: Monitoring & Modeling Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) (completed) 

  1. Development of Rapid Non-destructive Food Analysis using Miniature Handheld Spectrometer Combined with Machine Learning (ongoing) 

  1. Novel Mechanisms of Evolving Convolution Neural Network Based on Novelty Search of Nature Inspired Algorithms for Data Classification (ongoing) 

  1. Recognition of Human Face in the Presence of Facial Expression and Decoration Variations using Spectra Imaging System and Deep Learning (ongoing) 

  1. Towards affordable IoT-based mass fever screening (MFS) system (ongoing) 

  1. Robust Deep Learning-based Calibration for Data-Driven Spectroscopy (ongoing) 

  1. Multi-Step Ahead Modelling of River Pollution Loads Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNS) Techniques (ongoing) 


    Client: UNITEN R&D and TNB, Malaysia
    Duration: 3 Months (Nov 2020 -Jan 2021)
    Role: Data Analyst and Software Developer
    Amount: RM 15,000
    Status: On-going


  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2009). Sensorless anti-swing control of automatic gantry crane using dynamic recurrent neural network-based soft sensor. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. Vol.6, No 1/2, 112-127.     

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi and Ari Legowo. (2010). Fuzzy-tuned PID Anti-swing Control of Automatic Gantry Crane. Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 16, No. 1, 127-145  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Rini Akmeliawati. (2010). Particle swarm optimization for stabilizing controller of a self-erecting linear inverted pendulum. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research. Vol.3,  13-24.   

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Rini Akmeliawati, Ismaila B. Tijani  and Ari Legowo. (2011). Robust state feedback control design via PSO-based constrained optimization. Control and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 39, No. 3, 168-178.    

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Rini Akmeliawati and Ari Legowo. (2011). Robust feedback control design using PSO-based optimisation: a case study in gantry crane control. International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, Vol. 1, No. 2,  121-131.   

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Rini Akmeliawati, T.F. Ibrahim and H.M.A. Al-Assadi. (2012). Performance  comparison of differential evolution and particle swarm optimization in constrained optimization. Procedia Engineering 41, 1323 – 1328  

  1. N. Wilson Gosim, Tarig Faisal, H.M.A. Al-Assadi, and Mahmud Iwan. (2012). Pick and place ABB working with a liner follower robot. Procedia Engineering 41, 1336–1342.   

  1. Muzan, I.W., Faisal, T., Al-Assadi, H.M.A.A., Iwan, M. (2012). Implementation of industrial robot for painting applications . Procedia Engineering 41, pp. 1329-1335.   

  1. Mahmud Iwan S, Mah Chia Wen, Fahri Heltha, Lim Chong Lye. (2014). Robust PID Controller Tuning for 2D Gantry Crane using Kharitonov’s Theorem and Differential Evolution Optimizer. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 903, pp 267-272.     

  1. Mahmud Iwan, R. Akmeliawati and A. Budiyono. (2014). DE-based Robust Controller Design for Helicopter Cruise Control. International Journals of Robotics and Mechatronics.  Vol 1, No 4.   

  1. J.S. Sham,. M.I. Solihin, F. Heltha, Muzaiyanah H. (2015). Modelling and simulation of an inverted pendulum system: comparison between experiment and CAD physical model. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol 10, No.20.    

  1. S. Ghojavand Beltijeh, H. Singh, M. Iwan Solihin. (2015). Voice Enabled Device Switching for Physically Challenged and Emergency Alerts through SMS. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol 10, No.20.    

  1. C. K. Ang, M. I. Solihin , T. H. Tan. (2016). Implementation of Dynamics Neural Network in Solving Inverse Function. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(S1).   

  1. Elango Natarajan, Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Jeunn Hao Chong. (2017). Grasp stability analysis of an isotropic direct driven three-finger soft robot hand. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 7 (2017) No. 5. 

  1. Arivienanand Rajamanikam, Mahmud Iwan Solihin. Solid Waste Bin Classification using Gabor Wavelet Transform. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-4S February, 2019.  

  1. M. I. Solihin, Y. Shameem, T. Htut, C. K. Ang, and Muzaiyanah bt Hidaya, “Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Estimation using Handheld Near Infra-Red Device,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, no. 3, pp. 16–19, 2019.   

  1. M.I.Solihin, W. Astuti, C.K. Ang, M. Y. Mohamed. Food Powders Classification Using Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Support Vector Machine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020  

  1. D.G.A. Al-Sanabani, M.I.Solihin, W. Astuti, C.K. Ang, L.P. Pui, L.W. Hong. Development of Non-Destructive Mango Assessment Based On Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Regression.  Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020  

  1. Ze Han. Ang, Chun Kit. Ang, Wei Hong. Lim, Lih Jiun. Yu, and M. I. Solihin. “Development of an Artificial Intelligent Approach in Adapting the Characteristic of Polynomial Trajectory Planning for Robot Manipulator - Volume 9, No. 3, March 2020 - IJMERR.” [Online]. Available: http://www.ijmerr.com/show-175-1340-1.html.   

  1. Radwan, A. et al. (2020) ‘X-means Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks’, Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life. Atlantis Press. doi: 10.2991/jrnal.k.200528.008.  

  1. K. M. Ang, W.H. Lim, Nor Ashidi Mat Isa, S. S. Tiang, C. K. Ang, E. Natarajan, M. I. Solihin. A Constrained Teaching-learning-based Optimization with Modified Learning Phases for Constrained Optimization. Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control System, 12(04).  

  1. Hayder, G.; Solihin, M.I.; Mustafa, H.M. Modelling of River Flow Using Particle Swarm Optimized Cascade-Forward Neural Networks: A Case Study of Kelantan River in Malaysia. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8670.  


  • Elango Natarajan, Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Jeunn Hao Chong.  Grasp stability analysis of an isotropic direct driven three-finger soft robot hand. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 7 (2017) No. 5.,  2017.
  • Arivienanand Rajamanikam, Mahmud Iwan Solihin. Solid Waste Bin Classification using Gabor Wavelet Transform. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-4S February, 2019.
  • M.I.Solihin, Y. Shameem, T. Htut, C. K. Ang, and Muzaiyanah bt Hidayab, “Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Estimation using Handheld Near Infra-Red Device,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, no. 3, pp. 16–19, 2019. 
  • M.I.Solihin, W. Astuti, C.K. Ang, M. Y. Mohamed. Food Powders Classification Using Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Support Vector Machine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.  Vol. 1367 (1), 2019.
  • D.G.A. Al-Sanabani, M.I.Solihin, W. Astuti, C.K. Ang, L.P. Pui, L.W. Hong. Development of Non-Destructive Mango Assessment Based On Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Regression. . Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1367 (1), 2019.
  • Hayder, G.; Solihin, M.I.; Mustafa, H.M. Modelling of River Flow Using Particle Swarm Optimized Cascade-Forward Neural Networks: A Case Study of Kelantan River in Malaysia. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8670.
  • Solihin, Mahmud Iwan et al. 2021. “Machine Learning Calibration for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Data: A Visual Programming Approach.” In Springer, Singapore, 577–90. (July 11, 2020).
  • Ting, Ding Fang, Liew Phing Pui, and Mahmud Iwan Solihin. 2020. “Feasibility of Fraud Detection in Milk Powder Using a Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.” In AIP Conference Proceedings,  AIP Publishing LLC AIP Publishing , 020017. (December 26, 2020). 
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Book Chapters & Conferences

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Rini Akmeliawati and Ari Legowo. PSO-based robust controller design for a rotary inverted pendulum stabilization. Published in Book entitled  “Computational Intelligence in Robust Control: Theory and Applications”, Rini Akmeliawati (Ed.), 2011, IIUM Press. ISBN: 978-967-418-196-3.  
  1. Yeong Jie, Mahmud Iwan S and Ang C Kit. Development of Swarm Robots for Disaster Mitigation using Robotic Simulator Software.  (2016). Lecture Notes in Electrical Eng., Vol. 398, pp 377-383. Haidi Ibrahim et al. (Eds): 9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications. Springer. (Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Solihin M.I., Akmeliawati R. (2019) Robust Feedback Controller Design Using Cuckoo Search Optimization to Maximize Stability Radius. In: Kim JH., Myung H., Lee SM. (eds) Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications. RiTA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1015. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed) 

  1. M.I. Solihin, Z. Zekui, C. Kit. Ang, F. Heltha and M. Rizon. Machine Learning Calibration for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Data: A Visual Programming Approach. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), 2020. (Articles in Press) (Scopus) 

  1. M.I. Solihin, L.W.Hong, T.S. Sun and C. K. Ang. Modified Particle Swarm Optimization for Robust Anti-Swing Gantry Crane Controller Tuning. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer), 2020. (Articles in Press) (Scopus)  Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2005). Development of ANN-based soft sensor for automatic gantry crane system. Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS).  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2006). Soft sensor development for automatic gantry crane system using RBFN. Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing and Materials Processing (ICMM). pp.191-197. ISBN: 983-42867-0-7.  

  1. Raditya Sukmana and Mahmud Iwan Solihin. (2007). Forecasting Kuala Lumpur Composite Index: Evidence of the Artificial Neural Networks and ARIMA. Journal of Economics and Business Airlangga (JEBA).  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi and Abdulgani Albagul. (2006). Neural networks-based soft sensor development  for sensor less automatic gantry crane -comparison between MFN and RBFN. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering (ICCCE). vol.1., pp. 460-465. 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi and Abdulgani Albagul, (2006). Development of soft sensor for sensorless automatic gantry crane using RBFN. Proceedings of The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS). pp.1-6. ISBN:1-4244-0023-6.  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2006). Rapid  control prototyping of automatic gantry crane using MATLAB. Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Telecommunications and Control Engineering (ATTCE).  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2006). Anti-swing control of automatic gantry crane with minimum sensor. Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Telecommunications and Control Engineering (ATTCE).  

  1. Raditya Sukmana and Mahmud Iwan Solihin, (2006). Forecasting islamic banking deposit in malaysia: comparison between artificial neural network and ARIMA. Proceedings of First International Forum On Islamic Economics, Finance And Business For Young Scholars (IRTI-IDB sponsored).   

  1. Wahyudi and M.I. Solihin, (2007). Sensorless anti-swing control of automatic gantry crane using artificial neural network-based soft sensor. Proceedings of the International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication and Information Technology (ICICI), pp. 298-302.  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2007). GA-based PID controller design for automatic gantry crane system. Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned System (ICIUS), pp.372-376. 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2007). Fuzzy-tuned PID control design for automatic gantry crane. Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent & Advance Systems (ICIAS), pp.1092-1097. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2007). Sensorless anti-swing control strategy for automatic gantry crane system: soft sensor approach. Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent & Advance Systems (ICIAS), pp.992-996. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2007). Sensorless anti-swing control strategy for automatic gantry crane system using reference modifier. Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent & Advance Systems (ICIAS), pp.977-981. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi, M.A.S. Kamal and Ari Legowo, (2008). Optimal PID controller tuning of automatic gantry crane using PSO algorithm. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Mechatronics and Its Apllications (ISMA), pp. 1-5. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. 15. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Andika A Wijaya and Wahyudi. (2008). State feedback control tuning for flexible joint manipulator using PSO with constraint. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM), pp. 38-44.  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. 16. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi, Ari Legowo and Rini Akmeliawati, (2009). Self-erecting inverted pendulum employing PSO for stabilizing and tracking controller. Proceedings, of 5th   International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA), pp.63-68.  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Wahyudi. (2009). Robust PID anti-swing gantry crane control: tuning by PSO. Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Mechatronic Engineering (CIM09), pp.166-173.  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi, Ari Legowo and Rini Akmeliawati. (2009). Robust PID anti-swing control of automatic gantry crane based on Kharitonov’s stability. Procs. of IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA  2009), pp.275-280. (Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi and Rini Akmeliawati. (2009). PSO-based optimization of state feedback tracking controller for a flexible link manipulator. Procs. of International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition. (Socpar 2009).  

  1. Wijaya, A.A., Darsivan, F.J., Solihin, M.I., Wahyudi, and Akmeliawati, R. (2009). Terminal sliding mode control for active engine mounting system. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2009), pp.417-120. (Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Wahyudi and Rini Akmeliawati. (2010).  State feedback controller design of a flexible link via regional pole assignment using GA and PSO. Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (RCMA). 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Rini Akmeliawati, Riza Muhida and Ari Legowo. (2010). Guaranteed robust state feedback controller via constrained optimization using differential evolution. Proceedings of 6th  International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA). (Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin, Ari Legowo, Rini Akmeliawati and Agus Budiyono. (2011). DE-based robust feedback controller for longitudinal cruise control of helicopter. International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2011.  

  1. Mahmud Iwan Solihin and Rini Akmeliawati. (2011). Robust control design based on differential evolution for two-mass system. Procs. of International Conference on Advance Science, Engineering and Information Technology, pp. 436-440.  

  1. Tijani, I.B., Rini Akmeliawati, Mahmud Iwan Solihin, and  A.G.A. Muthalif (2011). Robust H-infinity controller synthesis using Multi-Objectives Differential Evolution Algorithm (MODE) for Two-mass-spring system. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, 1-7. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. NN Abdul Aziz, MI Yusoff, MI Solihin, R Akmeliawati, (2013). Two degrees of freedom control of a ball and beam system.  IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 53 (1). (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Arvin, R.S.; Solihin, M.I.; Heltha, F.; Tan, R.H.G.; Ammar, A.M.A. (2014), "Modeling and control design for rotary crane system using MATLAB Simscape Toolbox," Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 2014 IEEE 5th , vol., no., pp.170,175. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. R. Teymourzadeh, S. M. Iwan and A. J. A. Abueida. (2015). "RFID-based prepaid power meter," 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, Putrajaya, 2013, pp. 301-304. doi: 10.1109/SCOReD.2013.7002594 

  1. Mahmud Iwan, Solihin and Mohd Fauzi, Zanil. (2016). Performance Comparison of Cuckoo Search and Differential Evolution Algorithm for Constrained Optimization.   IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 160(1). (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Chun Kit  Ang, Mahmud Iwan  Solihin, Weng Jun  Chan, Yien Yien  Ong. Study of Plantar Pressure Distribution, MATEC Web Conf. 237 01016 (2018).  DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201823701016. (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. M.I. Solihin, E. Natarajan, C. K. Ang and M.K.A Ahamed Khan. Observation on Multivariable Regression Methods for Various Near Infrared Spectra Data. 2018 IEEE 4th International Symposium in Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA). 2019 (Article in Press)  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. 32. H. Frederick, A.Winda , and M. I. Solihin. Automatic Petrol and Diesel Engine Sound Identification Based on  Machine Learning Approaches. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913001011   (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. L. William, A. Winda, , D. Satrio, T. Sofyan, and M. I. Solihin. Automotive Start-Stop Engine Based on Face Recognition System. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913001020 (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. P. Rivandi, A. Winda, , D. Satrio, and M. I. Solihin. Automotive Start-Stop Engine Based on Fingerprint Recognition System. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019.  DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913001022  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. 35. W. Vincent, A. Winda and M.I. Solihin. Intelligent Automatic V6 and V8 Engine Sound Detection Based on Artificial Neural Networks. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019.  DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913001035   (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. M. Rizon, C.K. Ang, M.I. Solihin, Zuradzman M. R., H. Desa, Shahriman A. B., Wan Khairunizam, I. Zunaidi. Effects of Variable Arm Length on UAV Control Systems. Proc. Int. Conf. Artif. Life Robot., vol. 25, pp. 317–322, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.5954/icarob.2020.os10-1.  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. M. I. Solihin, L. W. Hong, C. K. Ang, M. Rizon, and A. Radwan, “Robust H∞ controller design for flexible link manipulator based on constrained metaheuristics optimization algorithms,” Proc. Int. Conf. Artif. Life Robot., vol. 25, pp. 338–342, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.5954/ICAROB.2020.OS10-5.  (WoS/Scopus Indexed) 

  1. Umair Bin Irfan, Liew Phing Pui, Mahmud Iwan Solihin. Feasibility Study of Detecting Palm Oil Adulteration with Recycled Cooking Oil Using A Handheld NIR Spectroscopy. AIP conference proceedings 2020  

  1. Kian Teck Liew, Liew Phing Pui, Mahmud Iwan Solihin.  Feasibility of Fraud Detection in Rice Using A Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. AIP conference proceedings 2020  

  1. Ding Fang Ting, Liew Phing Pui, Mahmud Iwan Solihin.  Feasibility of Fraud Detection in Milk Powder Using A Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. AIP conference proceedings 2020  

  1. Abdelrahman Radwan, Nazhatul Hafizah Kamarudin, Mahmud Iwan Solihin, and Hungyang Leong.  Slitting K-means clusters to X-means clusters for Prolonging Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime. AIP conference proceedings 2020 

Award and Recognitions

  1. Silver medal – Faculty/Kulliyyah of Engineering Research Innovation and Exhibition (KERIE), IIUM, 2006. Title: Sensor-less Automatic Gantry Crane System.
  2. Best paper award – International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA), 2009. Title: Self-Erecting Inverted Pendulum Employing PSO for Stabilizing and Tracking Controller.
  3. Best paper award – International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches (ICETIR), 2019. Title: Development of Non-Destructive Mango Assessment Using Handheld Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Regression.
  4. Silver medal award – IET-Automation and Control Enhancing Innovation Competition (ACEiC 2020). Title: AI-Assisted Pneumonia and COVID19 Early Identification from CXR Image

Contributions to Society

  1. Team Leader: Non-invasive blood glucose measurement using handheld mirco-NIR. Telemedicine Innovation Challenge, Malaysia, March - June 2018.
  2. Team Leader: RFS Drone Challenge: design to fly,  Malaysia. Dec 2019 - April 2020.
  3. Student Club Advisor: 五一吃瓜官网 Robotic and AI Club. Jan 2020.
  4. Workshop instructor: Machine Learning Practical

Editorial Board

  • Editorial board member: Scientific Board of Computer, Electrical & Electronic Engineers, International Institute for Engineers 

  • Editorial board member: Control Science and Engineering 

  • Freelance  trainer (Machine Learning Workshop) with Leafbyte Sdn Bhd  

  • Executive Guest Editor: The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal 


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