
Dr Wong Leong Yee

Dr Wong Leong Yee

Lecturer | School of Architecture and Built Environment

Academic Qualifications

PhD in Civil Engineering, Tamkang University
Master of Architecture, Tamkang University
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, UTAR
Diploma in Architecture, Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah


  1. [Doctoral Thesis] : Research on Islamic Tessellation Pattern Applied to Digital Tectonic in Architecture
  2. [Master Thesis] : Data System Driven Micro Architecture for Elderly Care in Rural Area – A Case Study of Sanzhi District


Proceeding / Conference Papers

  1. CID International Design Conference 2022
    • fabrication research of plexiglass's double-curvature surface forming.
  2. Architectural Institute of Taiwan - Architecture Science journal ArS 2021
    • Self-sustainable elderly care architectural planning model for rural community - A case study of Sanzhi district.
  3. Architectural Institute of Taiwan - Architecture Science journal ArS 2020
    • application of weaving with robotic fabrication in architecture.
  4. 3rd International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering ICACE 2019
    • Application of parametric components in architectural planning.
  5. Architectural Institute of Taiwan - 31th Annual thesis research conference 2019
    • art and performing architecture an approach to create mythological signage towards globalization rebranding -A case study of National Taichung Theatre.


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