

Student Services

  • Finance Department

    Finance Department

    The Finance Division was established to manage the University's financial affairs. Headed by the Group Chief Financial Officer, Wong Meng Fang, the Finance Division has 25 staff responsible for handling accounts and investments, payrolls, payments, loans, contracts and supplies, the budget and bursary. Striving for Total Quality Management, the Finance Division is adopting the approach of a learning organization as their way towards excellence.

  • Registrar's Office

    Registrar's Office

    With overall responsibility to initiate and maintain the permanent academic record of each student and to register all the students, it also coordinates the time schedule for classes which include assigning classroom space, maintaining accurate records of all courses and curriculum requirements, and planning for all the pre-registration and registration of classes.

  • Course Counsellor

    Course Counsellor

    The course counsellor established the counselling programme to develop activities and resources to implement and evaluate the programmes offered by the University. In addition, the course counsellor also provides individual and group counselling services to meet students' developmental, preventive, and remedial needs, as well as to coordinate all counselling services for students. Moreover, the course counsellor also assists with the coordination and implementation of student services at the University.

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