
Assistant Professor Dr. Kalaimani A/P Markandan
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Ir Dr Kalaimani A/P Markandan

Head of Programme, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Academic Qualifications

PhD Chemical Engineering 
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering

Professional Bodies

  1. Professional Engineer (PEng), Board of Engineers, Malaysia
  2. Chartered Engineer (CEng), Institution of Chemical Engineers, U.K.
  3. Graduate Engineer, Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM)


  1. Ceramic MEMS
  2. Graphene based ceramic/polymer composites
  3. Additive manufacturing of composite and functionally graded materials
  4. Mechanics of materials


  1. I. Seetoh, B. L. S. Wei, E. L. Yi, K. Markandan, P. K. Kanaujia, C. Q. Lai. Extremely stiff and lightweight auxetic metamaterial designs enabled by asymmetric strut cross-sections. Extreme Mechanics Letters (2022).
  2. K. Markandan, P. K. Kanaujia, J. P. Abhineet, X.Y. Yap, C. L. Gan, C.Q. Lai, Improvements in the modulus and strength of multi-dimensional hybrid composites through synergistic reinforcement between 1D fiber and 0D particle fillers, Journal of Materials Science (2021).
  3. K. Markandan, I. Seetoh, C.Q. Lai, Mechanical Anisotropy of Graphene Nanocomposites Induced by Graphene Alignment during Stereolithography 3D Printing, Journal of Materials Research (2021).
  4. C.Q. Lai, K.Markandan, B.Y. Luo, Y.C.Lam, W.C. Chung, A.Chidambaram. Viscoelastic and High Strain Rate Response of Anisotropic Graphene-Polymer Nanocomposites Fabricated with 3D Stereolithography Printing, Additive Manufacturing (2021).
  5. C.Q. Lai, K.Markandan, Z. Lu. Anomalous elastic response of a 3D anti - tetrachiral metamaterial, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2021).
  6. Seetoh, X. Liu, K. Markandan, Z. Lu, C.Q. Lai Strength and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Ti6Al4V Auxetic 3D Anti-Tetrachiral Metamaterials, Mechanics of Materials (2021).
  7. K. Markandan and C.Q. Lai. Enhanced Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Graphene-Polymer Composite Lattices at Very Low Graphene Concentrations, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (2020).
  8. K. Markandan, R. Lim, P. K. Kanaujia, I. Seetoh, M.R. Rosdi, Z. H. Tey, J. S. Goh, Y. C. Lam, C.Q. Lai. Additive Manufacturing of Composite Materials and Functionally Graded Structures Using Selective Heat Melting Technique, Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2020).
  9. K. Markandan, Z. Zhang, J. K. Chin, K.H. Cheah, and H. B. Tang. Fabrication and preliminary testing of hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN)-based ceramic microthruster for potential application of nanosatellites in constellation formation flying, Microsystem Technologies, 2 (2019).
  10. I. Seetoh, K. Markandan, and C.Q. Lai. Effect of Reinforcement Bending on the Elastic Properties of Interpenetrating Phase Composites. Mechanics of Materials, 136 (2019).
  11. K. Markandan, J.K. Chin. Graphene-Based Ceramic Composites: Processing and Applications, Handbook of Graphene: Composites, Scrivener Publishing, USA: pp. 147–169 (2019).
  12. K. Markandan, J. K. Chin, K.H. Cheah, M. T.T. Tan. Recent developments in ceramic microthrusters and the potential applications with green propellants. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2018).
  13. K. Markandan, J. K. Chin, M. T.T. Tan. Graphene based ceramic composites: A review. Journal of Materials Research. 2017; 1:1-23 (2017).
  14. K. Markandan, J. K. Chin, M. T.T. Tan. Low temperature fabrication and characterization of Si-O-C cured alumina toughened zirconia (ATZ). Materials Today: Proceedings (2017).
  15. K. Markandan, J. K. Chin, M. T.T. Tan. Enhancing electroconductivity of yttria-stabilised zirconia ceramic using graphene platelets. Key Engineering Materials (2016).
  16. Markandan K, Tan MTT, Chin J, Lim SS. A novel synthesis route and mechanical properties of Si– O–C cured Yttria stabilised zirconia (YSZ)-graphene composite. Ceramics International (2015).
  17. K. Markandan, J. K. Chin, M. T.T. Tan. The effect of different sintering strategies on properties of YSZ reinforced graphene composites. MATEC Web of Conferences (2015).
  18. K. Markandan, J. K. Chin, M. T.T. Tan. Study on mechanical properties of zirconia-alumina based ceramic. Applied Mechanics and Materials (2014).


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