
Research Impact:

Professor Dato' Ir Ts Dr Mohd Rizon Bin Mohamed Juhari

PEng, CEng

Professor | Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Additional Role:
Special Officer to Group CEO and Vice-Chancellor; Vice-President, Government Affairs

Academic Qualifications

Doctor Engineering Computer Science & Intelligent Systems
Master Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Bachelor Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Areas of Interest
Signal & Image Processing
Intelligent Systems
Artificial Life and Robotics
Neural Networks
Biometric System and Brain Electrical Waves
Professional Bodies

  1. Professional Engineer with Practicing Certificate (Ir.), The Board of Engineer Malaysia
  2. Professional Technologist (Ts.), Malaysia Board of Technologists
  3. Chartered Engineer (CEng.), The Engineering Council, UK
  4. Senior Member, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (SMIEM)
  5. Member, The Institute of Engineering Technology, UK (MIET)


  1. Automatic Face Recognition Based on Iris Detection. KUKUM, RM20,000, 3 Sep 2003 – 30 Ogos 2004.
  2. A Design of An Autonomous Coco-Zaru Robot climbing Coconut Tree. KUKUM, RM50,000, 20 Sept.2004 – 19 Mac 2006.
  3. Control of omni-directional mecanum wheel mobile robot, KUKUM, RM20,000., 12 Jan 2005 – 11 Jan 2006.
  4. Control of omni-directional mecanum wheel mobile robot and Analysis of Artificial Muscle, KUKUM, RM11,000, 13 Feb 2006- 7 Ogos 2006.
  5. Development of a real-time face emotion and gaze recognition package, KUKUM, RM20,000. 2 Ogos 2005- 2 Ogos 2006
  6. Complex background subtraction for Biometric Application, KUKUM, RM16,500, Sep 2006-Sep 2007.
  7. A correlation of visual emotion and brain electrocal impulse wave for human emotion study, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, RM60,000,Oct 2006
  8. Development of robust technique for a real-time human face recognition system, MOSTI, RM283,000, Jul 2007
  9. Development of face emotion recognition package using electroencephalogram and vision system, MOSTI, RM123,000.Nov 2006.
  10. A study of feature extraction for automatic coconut selection in agricultural domain, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, RM13,500.Oct 2006.
  11. A Study and Formation of Facial Feature Localization for Criminal Investigation, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, RM120,000., August 2007
  12. Development a Prototype of Autonomous Mobile Robot for Navigation Mapping System in Hazardous Environment, MOSTI, RM191,000.July 2007
  13. Automatic Eye Localization from a Face Image, Research Centre,  King Saud University,Saudi Arabia, SAR 30,000, M Rizon, LEADER, Feb 2009.
  15. Main Puteri antara kewujudan dan ancaman kepupusan: Kajian kes di daerah Bachok, Kelantan, Dana Industrti Kreatif Negara 2016, HEAD, October 2016


  1. M. Rizon, A new approach for face recognition based on iris detection Journal of Research and Engineering Education, vol.1, pp.25-34, 2004.
  2. M. Karthigayan, R. Nagarajan, Sazali Yaacob, Paulraj Pandian and Mohamed Rizon, Artificial intelligence techniques in IC chip marking inspection Journal of Research and Engineering Education, vol.2, pp.17-29, 2005.
  3. Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Mohamed Rizon and Daisuke Hidaka Detection of eyes from human faces by Hough transform and separability filter Transaction IEICE, vol.J84-D-II, no.10, pp.2190-2200, Oct. 2001. (in Japanese)
  4. Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi and Mohamed Rizon Iris detection using intensity and edge information Journal of Pattern Recognition, Elsevier Science, vol.36, no.2, pp.549-562, 2003.
  5. Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Toshiharu Kunihiro and Mohamed Rizon Scale and rotation invariant face recognition Technical Report, Oita University, no.44, September 2001 (in Japanese)
  6. M. Karthigayan, Mohd Rizon, Sazali Yaacob and R. Nagarajan. A survey of face emotion recognition and application Journal of AMSE France, Association for the Advancement of Modeling and Simulation Technique, vol.50, no.3, pp.42-64, 2007.
  7. R. Nagarajan, S. Yaacob, P. Pandiyan, M. Karthigayan and M. Rizon. Feature extraction methods for IC chip marking inspection – A comparison Iraq Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, IJEEE, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7-18, 2006.
  8. R. Ramasamy, M.R. Juhari, M. Sugisaka, M.R. Mamat, S.Yaacob, N.F. Mohd Nasir. An application of finite element modeling to pneumatic artificial muscle American Journal of Applied Science, vol. 2, no. 11, pp.1504-1504, 2005.
  9. Mohamed Rizon, Haniza Yazid, Puteh Saad, Ali Yeon Md Shakaff, Abdul Rahman Saad, Masanori Sugisaka, Sazali Yaacob, M.Rozailan Mamat and M.Karthigayan. Object detection using circular Hough transform American Journal of Applied Science, vol. 2, no. 12, pp.1606-1609, 2005.
  10. M.R.Mamat-Ibrahim, Mohd Rizon dan M.S.Khanniche. Fault Detection of 3-Phase VSI Using Wavelet-Fuzzy Algorithm American Journal of Applied Science, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1642-1648, 2006.
  11. Mohamed Rizon, Muhammad Firdaus Hashim, Puteh Saad, Sazali Yaacob, M Rozailan et. Al. Face recognition using eigenfaces and neural networks American Journal of Applied Science, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1872-1875, 2006.
  12. Jefri Efendi Mohd Salih, Mohamed Rizon, Sazali Yaacob and Abdul Hamid Adom. Designing omni-directional mobile robot with mecanum wheel American Journal of Applied Science, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1831-1835, 2006.
  13. Mohamed Rizon, Haniza Yazid, Puteh Saad, Ali Yeon, Ab Rahman, M. Rozailan et. al . Object detection using geometric invariant moment American Journal of Applied Science, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1876-1878, 2006.
  14. Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Mohamed Rizon and Daisuke Hidaka. Detection of eyes from human faces by Hough transform and separability filter Journal of Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part II: Electronics), John Wiley, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 29-39, 2005.
  15. M. Karthigayan, M. Rizon, M. Sugisaka, R. Nagarajan, S. Yaacob and H. Desa. Development of a personified face emotion recognition technique using fitness function Journal of Artificial Life and Robotic, Springer Verlag, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 197-203, 2007.
  16. Hafizal Yazid, Haniza Yazid, M. Harun, S. Mohd, A. Aziz Mohamed, M. Rizon and S. Sayuti. Circular discontinuities detection in welded joints using circular Hough transform Journal of Independent Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation International, Elsevier Science, vol.4, no. 8, pp. 594-601, 2007.
  17. M Murugappan, M Rizon, R Nagarajan, S Yaacob, D Hazry and I Zunaidi. Wavelet based feature extraction for human emotion classification: Preliminary results International Journal of Advanced Computation (IJAC), Dec 2007, vol 2, pp, 52-56, 2008
  18. M Murugappan, M Rizon, R Nagarajan, S Yaacob, D Hazry and I Zunaidi. EEG feature extraction for classifying emotion using FCM and FKM International Journal of Computers and Communication, WSEAS Publication, pp.21-25, vol,1, no.2, 2007.
  19. M Murugappan, M Rizon, R Nagarajan and S Yaacob. An investigation on visual and audiovisual stimulus based human emotion recognition using EEG”, International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics (IJMEI), Inderscience Publication, USA, vol.1, no.3, pp.342-356, 2009.
  20. C.T. Yuen, M. Rizon and M. Shazri. Real time detection of face and iris WSEAS Transaction on Signal Processing, Issue 6, Volume 5, pp. 209-218, June 2009.
  21. C.T. Yuen, M. Rizon. Facial features for template matching based face recognitionAmerica Journal of Applied Sciences, vol 11, no.6, pp.1897-1901, 2009.
  22. Mohamed Rizon. Discrete Wavelet Transform based Classification of Human Emotions using Electroencephalogram Signals American Journal of Applied Science, vol.7, no.7, pp.865-872, 2010.
  23. Mohamed Rizon. Automatic mouth localization using edge projection Journal of Computer Science, ISSN 1549-3635, vol.6, no.7, pp.677-681, 2010.
  24. Mohamed Rizon, Chai Tong Yuen, Ali S. AlMejrad and Naif Alajlan. Real-Time Iris Detection Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Springer- Japan, vol.15, pp.296-301, 2010.
  25. , , , , , , 41, pp. 340-344, 2012, .Eye detection using composite cross correlation, American Journal of applied Science, Kutiba, Rizon, Nordin, Ali, Azim, Saifil, 10(11), 1448-1456,2013.
  26. Effectivenes of Statistical Features for Human Emotions Classification using EEG Biosensors, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Chai Tong Yuen, Woo San San, Jee Hou Ho and M.Rizon, 5(21), 5083-5089,2013.
  27. Transient Stability Analysis of a Three-machine Nine Bus Power System Networks, Engineering Letters, M. A. Salam, M. A. Rashid, Q. M. Rahman, M. Rizon,22(1),1-7,2014, International Association of Engineers.
  28. M. B. Uddin, M. Ahmad, M. Rizon, N. Yusof, M. A. Rashid, “Cardiac function evaluation analyzing spectral components due to the consumption of  energy drinks”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(18): 3906-3915, May 2014. Maxwell Scientific Publications
  29. , , , , , , , Proc. SPIE  9875, Eighth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2015), 987503 (December 8, 2015);   doi: 10.1117/12.2228511
  30. , , , , , , 9 (1), 2016, pp. 9-17, .
  31. Mohd Rizon Juhari, Evolusi Teknologi dan Seni Persembahan, International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage" (TENIAT) ISSN: 2289-4527,Dec 2016.


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