
Ts Dr Khairul Zahreen Bin Mohd Arof

Lecturer | School of Architecture and Built Environment

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Philosophy                              
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
Foundation of Engineering (Civil)

Professional Bodies

  1. Professional Technologist (Building and Construction Technology-BC) (PT21030204), Malaysia Board of Technologist 
  2. Construction Project Manager (J81100520140039) in the field of 526-Civil Engineering and ADM5-management, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
  3. Member (117139) The Institute of Engineers Malaysia
  4. Ordinary Member (O0112022) Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT)
  5. Member (97091251), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  6. Graduate Engineer (GE107380A) in the branch of Civil Engineering without restriction, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)


Ongoing Research

  1. Project Leader, Toshiba International Foundation, Japan 每 ※Way Forwards to the Challenges in Adaptation of Japanese Research Culture into Malaysia Higher Education for Post Graduate Studies§. 1 April 2022 每 31 April 2023
  2. Research Officer, Long Term Research Grant Scheme. Ministry of Education entitled SATREPS 1.2: Hybrid OTEC Plant - Operational Expenditure and Experimental Activities on the Test Rig§. 01 July 2019 每 01 July 2024
  3. Research Officer, Long Term Research Grant Scheme. Ministry of Education entitled SATREPS 1: The Project Of Development Of Advanced Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Technology For Low Carbon Society And Sustainable Energy System: First Experimental OTEC Plant of Malaysia (OTEC). 01 July 2019 每 30 September 2024
  4. Research Officer, Long Term Research Grant Scheme. Ministry of Education entitled ※Research Infrastructure & Utilities UTM-UPM OTEC Centre- Ocean Energy R&D Facility 01 July 2019 每 30 September 2024


Completed Research

  1. Project Manager, Industry-International Incentive Grant. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) Protocols of Managing Foreign Construction Workers at the Centralised Labour Quarters in Malaysia during the COVID-19 Pandemic 01 May 2021 每 30 April 2022  
  2. Project Manager, Industry-International Incentive Grant. Model of Ship-To-Ship (STS) Transfer Communications Management During Covid-19 Pandemic. 01 May 2021 每 30 April 2022  
  3. Research Officer, UTM Encourage Research entitled ※Issues Related to Halal in Food Processes§. 1 November 2019 每 30 April 2022
  4. Project Manager, UTMShine Grant. Biophilic City Index for Mixed-Use Development Project in Malaysia. 1 March 2020 每 28 February 2022
  5. Project Leader. Maritime Institute of Malaysia- A Feasibility Study of Adopting Malaysian Reform Initiative (MARI) Business Model For Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA)§.  1 October 2020 每 31 December 2020
  6. Project Manager, Transdisciplinary Research (TDR) (06G98) entitled ※Integrated Framework of Biophilic City for Langkawi, Kedah§. 1 December 2018 每 30 November 2021
  7. Project Manager, Transdisciplinary Research (TDR) (07G00) entitled ※Biophilic Infrastructure for Langkawi, Kedah§. 1 December 2018 每 30 November 2021
  8. Project Manager, Maritime Institute of Malaysia. Quantitative Research on Empowerment of MIMA's Scholarly Research Capability In Maritime Industry Through Questionnaire Survey Analysis Via Rasch Model. 1 April 2021 每 31 October 2021
  9. Project Manager, Maritime Institute of Malaysia-Human Capital in the Maritime Economy during Post COVID-19 Crisis§. 1 October 2020 每 31 December 2020 (3 months)
  10. Project Manager. Contract Research Double Tax Deduction (CRDRD). Biophilic City Design Elements for Mixed-Use Development Project in Malaysia. Fund granted by KLIA Research and Training Centre Sdn. Bhd. 1 February 2020 每 30 June 2020
  11. Research Officer, Research University Grant: Framework of Contractor*s Performance Appraisal for Government Construction Project in Malaysia. 1 February 2018 - 31 January 2020
  12. Research Officer, Research University Grant the Tension Stiffening in Oil Palm Fibre Reinforced Concrete. 15 November 2015 - 14 November 2017

Consultation Project

Completed Consultation Project

  1. Project Manager, The Malaysian Asset and Project Management Association: ※Managing Asset and Project in the New Norm during COVID-19 Outbreak§. 1 June 2020 每 30 September 2020
  2. Module Reviewer, Improvement and Revision of Existing Training Module and Learning Package for Project on Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM) by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). 1 October 2018 - 31 May 2019
  3. Module Writer, Improvement and Revision of Existing Training Module and Learning Package for Project on Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM) by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). 1 October 2018 - 31 May 2019
  4. Project Leader, Bank question for Construction Site Supervisor Building and Architecture Training in Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), KLIA Training & Research Centre, Selangor. 15 November 2015 - 14 November 2018

Community Grant/Project

Ongoing Community Grant/Project

  1. Member, Region 10 Membership Development Committee, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ※Membership Development Talks§. 1 June 2022 每 31 August 2022.
  2. Project Leader, STEM Summer Camp IEEE Kuala Lumpur 2022. IEEE Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 每 STEM Summer Camp IEEE Kuala Lumpur 2022. 14 March 2022 每 30 November 2022
  3. Member, Pemindahan Ilmu Kejuruteraan Awam Kepada Pelajar Sekolah Rendah Dan Menengah Dalam Kalangan Komuniti B40 Menerusi Ask Dr. Concrete! Bersempena Minggu Sains Negara Keluarga Malaysia 2022. 1 April 2022 每 31 March 2023
  4. Project Manager, Projek Teknovasi Eko-Ndusif Hidroponik B40 UTM: Program Perpindahan Ilmu Hidroponik kepada Komuniti B40 PPR Seri Semarak. 1 November 2011 每 31 October 2022
  5. Project Manager, Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM) Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). Projek Teknovasi Simenbiosis SMART (Sejahtera, MAmpan, Resillien, dan pinTar) PPR Seri Semarak. 1 April 2022 每 31 April 2023


Completed Community Grant/Project

  1. Project Leader, Institute of  Life-Ready Graduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Training to local community at Semporna, Sabah. ※Ferrocement Arts: Money Making Hobby from Home§. 3 January 2022 每 30 April 2022
  2. Project Manager, IEEE HAC & SIGHT Projects 每 Response to COVID-19  entitled ※On-Site Communication Standard Operating Procedures for Construction Project during COVID-19§. 25 May 2020 每 24 November 2020 


  1. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Mohd Daud Awang, Mohd Hambali Abd Rashid, Syuhaida ismail (2021). Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) Outbreak Lockdown: The Effects on Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and Financial State of Muslim Believers. Islamic Thoughts and Civilization (JITC). Universiti of Management and Technology, Pakistan. ISSN: 2075-0943, eISSN: 2520-0313 Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.32350/jitc
  2. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Mohd Al'ikhsan Ghazali, Mohd Daud Awang, Mohd Hambali Abd Rashid, Nadeera Abdul Razak (2021). Kajian Rintis Kesan-Kesan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) Pada Wanita Islam. Journal Al-&Ulwan. Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka. ISSN: 2504-8511/eISSN: 2600-7843
  3. Mohd Al'ikhsan Ghazali, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Juhazren Juhaidi, Aminudin Hehsan, Muhammad Fathi Yusof and Nasikh (2020). The Relationship of Halal Food and Ibadah among Muslim Community in Malaysia. Nusantara Halal Journal. Scopus Index. DOI: https://jurnalhalal.org/2020v1p015-021/
  4. Zaini, Ishak, Zolkepli, Wahap, Jaafar Sidek, Mohd Yasin, Zolkepli, Mohmad Sidik, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Abu Talib (2020). Granite Exploration by using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI): A Case Study in Johor. International Journal of Integrated Engineering (Scopus Index: Q3). Malaysia: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher*s Office ISSN : 2229-838X
  5. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Chitdrakantan Subramaniam, Shamila Azman, Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani, Muhammad Farhan Zolkepli (2020). Critical Strategies for Construction Players in the Adoption of Biophilic City Concept in Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners. Scopus Index. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21837/pm.v18i11.704. ISSN: 1675-6215. E-ISSN: 0128-0945. INDIA: Institute of Medico-Legal Publications
  6. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Nadirah Hazwani Najib, Chitdrakantan Subramaniam, Abd Latif Saleh, Shamila Azman, Huda Ahmad (2020). Critical Causal Factors of Failure (CCFF) in Adopting a Biophilic City Concept in Malaysia. Journal of Critical Reviews. Scopus Index. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.05.14. 2394-5125. ISSN: 2394-5125. Advance Scientific Research
  7. Chitdrakantan Subramaniam, Syuhaida Ismail, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Nadirah Hazwani Najib, Abd Latif Saleh (2020). Causative Failure Factors of Communications Management in Mixed-use Development Projects in Malaysia. Journal of Critical Reviews Scopus Index. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.05.13. ISSN: 2394-5125. Advance Scientific Research
  8. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Nadirah Hazwani Najib, Rohayah Che, Amat, Nurul Huda Binti Ahmad (2019). Exploring Opportunities of Adopting Biophilic Cities Concept into Mixed-Use Development Project in Malaysia. Institute of Physics (IOP)
  9. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Abd Latif Saleh (2019). The Importance of Contractor performance Appraisal System for Biophilic city Development in Malaysia. Institute of Physics (IOP). (Scopus Index)
  10. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail and Abd Latif Saleh (2018). Critical Success Factor towards the Efficiency of Contractor*s Performance Appraisal System in the Malaysian Construction Industry. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. IJPHRD. Scopus Index. DOI: 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01622.4. ISSN: 0976-0245. E-ISSN: 0976-5506. INDIA: Institute of Medico-Legal Publications
  11. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail and Abd Latif Saleh (2018). Contractor's Performance Appraisal System in the Malaysian Construction Industry: Current Practice, Perception and Understanding. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 7(3), pp 46-51. Scopus Index. ISBN 2227-524X. UAE: Science Publishing Corporation Inc
  12. Amli Mohamed Amin, Syuhaida Ismail, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof (2018). Current Practice of Coal Discharging Operation in Malaysian Port. Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization (JOMEINO) 18-24. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31039/jomeino.2019.3.1.2. ISSN: 2521-7054. Cambodia:  Paragon International University
  13. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Rahimah Muhamad (2017). Tensile Behavior of Oil Palm Fiber Concrete (OPFC) with Different Fiber Volume. International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering.pp.8. ISI Index. ISSN 1911-1118. China: International Association for Sustainable Development and Management (IASDM) and North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power

Conference Proceeding

  1. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Nadirah Hazwani Najib, Chitdrakantan Subramaniam, Abd Latif Saleh, Shamila Azman, Huda Ahmad (2020). Causative Failure Factors of Communications Management in Mixed-use Development Projects in Malaysia. International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2020). 13-14 April 2020. Malacca
  2. Chitdrakantan Subramaniam, Syuhaida Ismail, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Nadirah Hazwani Najib, Abd Latif Saleh (2020). Causative Failure Factors of Communications Management in Mixed-use Development Projects in Malaysia. International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2020). 13-14 April 2020. Malacca
  3. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Nadirah Hazwani Najib, Rohayah Che, Amat, Nurul Huda Binti Ahmad (2019). Exploring Opportunities of Adopting Biophilic Cities Concept into Mixed-Use Development Project in Malaysia. The 1st International Conference on Urban Design and Planning (ICUDeP 2019)-Challenges and Opportunities: Toward Sustainable Urban Design. 10 September 2019. Semarang, Indonesia: Universitas Diponegoro
  4. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Abd Latif Saleh (2019). The Importance of Contractor performance Appraisal System for Biophilic city Development in Malaysia. 4th International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering & 12th Regional Conference in Civil Engineering. 20 每 22 August 2019. Langkawi, Malaysia. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  5. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail, Abd Latif Saleh, Mohammad Hussaini Wahab and Rohayah Che Amat (2018). Current Contractor*s Performance Appraisal System in Malaysian Construction Industry: Perception amongst Construction Players. The 4thInternational Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2018). 3-4 December 2018. Phuket, Thailand: Academy Research Society of Malaysia
  6. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail and Abd Latif Saleh (2018). Critical Success Factors towards the Efficiency of Contractor*s Performance Appraisal System in the Malaysian Construction Industry. The 5thInternational Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications (ICOQSIA 2018). 9-10 August 2018. Langkawi Island, Kedah: UUM
  7. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail and Abd Latif Saleh (2018). Current Practice, Understanding and Perception on Contractor*s Performance Appraisal System in the Malaysian Construction Industry. The 2ndInternational Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICACE 2018). 9-10 May 2018. Pulau Pinang: SRC Group
  8. Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof and Rahimah Muhamad (2017). Tensile Behavior of Oil Palm Fiber Concrete (OPFC) with Different Fiber Volume. 19th International Conference on Architectural, Civil and Construction Engineering (ICACCE 2017). 24-25 August 2017. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Book Chapter

  1. Mohd. Izwan Abdul Rashid, Syuhaida Ismail, Zainai Mohamed, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof. (2021). Project Resource Management: Selecting Contractor for Public Construction Projects in Malaysia. Project Management Practices: The Malaysian Insights and Trends. B P International. United Kingdom.


  1. Nur Izzati Ab. Rani, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail. (2020) Challenges of  Construction Players in Managing Asset and Project in the New Norm. Covid-19: Managing Asset and Project in the New Norm. The Malaysian Asset and Project Management Association
  2. Kamal Mustafa, Khairul Zahreen Mohd Arof, Syuhaida Ismail (2019). Leadership in Malaysian Government Organisation. Jurutera: Project management Consultancy in Malaysian Construction Industry. The Institution of Engineer Malaysia


  1. Editor (2020) for e-Bulletin by The Malaysian Asset and Project Management Association (MAPMA) Kuala Lumpur
  2. Module Reviewer (2020) for on Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM) by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Kuala Lumpur
  3. Modul Writer (2019) for Improvement and Revision of Existing Training Module and Learning Package for Project on Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM) by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Kuala Lumpur
  4. Editor for Connect-us Conference 2019: Digital Transformation 每 Opportunities and Challenges, Swiss-ASEAN Learning and Teaching (SALT) Kuala Lumpur 

Award, Recognition and Achievement

  1. Bronze Awards Innovation Award (2021) in Seoul International Invention Fair (International Level)
  2. Silver Medal in Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2021 (2021),  Innovation Awards (International Level)
  3. National Postgraduate Fund (NPF) recipient (2021), Ministry of Higher Education (National Level)
  4. National Postgraduate Fund (NPF) recipient (2020), Ministry of Higher Education (National Level)
  5. Silver Medal in Project Management Best Research Award (2018) by the Institute of Engineer Malaysia (IEM) (National level)
  6. Bronze medal (2017) in a master research poster presentation (Faculty level)
  7. MyBrain15 scholarship recipient (2015) by Ministry of Higher Education (National Level)
  8. Gold medal (2011) in tower competition, future design, University Teknologi Malaysia (Faculty level)
  9. Bronze medal (2009) in Debate competition (District level)
  10. Kuala Lipis district debater (2008)  (State level)

Intellectual Properties Right

  1. Model of Design Elements For Malaysia Biophilic Cities (2021)
  2. Framework of On-Site Communication Management amongst Foreign Workers during COVID-19 (2020)


  1. Logo of Green Cities and Construction Research Group (GCCRG) (2021)


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