
Maliza Bt Ismail Jamail
Research Impact:

Ts Maliza binti Ismail Jamail

Lecturer | School of Architecture and Built Environment

Academic Qualifications

Master of Art & Design (Design Technology), UiTM, Malaysia. 

Bachelor of Architecture LAM Part 2 (Texas Tech University, USA) 

Areas of Interest
Architecture Education
Sustainable Architecture
Community Architecture
Bamboo as Sustainable Material in Design

  1. REIG-FETBE-2022/025 (on-going) 



  1. A Critical Appraisal of Two Public Administrative Buildings from the Perspective of Democratic Architecture. (Proceedings of UKM Integrated International Conference. UKM-IIC, 2018) 

  1. Community Perception on ‘Third Place’ Generation and Planning for Enhanced Neighbourhood Interaction at Pengkalan Kubor, Malaysia  (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, May 2022) 

  1. Evaluation of Mosques from the Perspectives of Social Inclusion Comparison of Four Mosques in Kuala Lumpur. (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, May 2023) 


  1. 2018 UKM Integrated International Conference (UKM-IIC 2018) 

  1. 2021 6th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES 2021) 

  1. 2022 4th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISCEE 2022) 

  1. 2023 RISM IRC 5.0 Conference 

Editorial Board

  1. Technical Paper Reviewer for IConCEES 2021 

  1. Technical Paper Reviewer for ISCEE 2022 

Awards and Recognitions

  1. QS Symposium 2022 (Gold Awards for Poster Presentation) 

  1. RISM IRC 5.0 Conference 2023 (Best Paper Award) 


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