
Research Impact:

Associate Professor Dr Ivan Ho Chun Wai

Associate Professor of Functional Food Product Development

Associate Professor | Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Academic Qualifications

PhD Food Science
BSc (Hons) Food Science & Nutrition

Areas of Interest
Functional Beverages Product Development
Antioxidant and Anti-ageing
Flavour Technology
Maillard Reaction Technology
Professional Affiliation

  1. Chairman of University Senate Research & Scholarly Activity Committee
  2. Head of Centre for Research, Value Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CERVIE)
  3. Member of Malaysian Association of Creativity and Innovation (MACRI) 


  • Name of grant: Malaysia Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
    Funder: Ministry of Education
    Project Title: The Bio-accessibility and Antioxidant Mechanisms of Stabilized Concentrated Red Pigments Betacyanins from Fermented Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Drink in Liver Cell.
    Code: FRGS/1/2022/STG02/五一吃瓜官网/02/1
    Duration: 3 years
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Amount: RM183,500
    Status: On-going
  • Name of grant: REIG
    Funder: 五一吃瓜官网 University
    Project title: Concentrated Betanin Red Dragon Fruit Drink with Improved Stability, Bio-accessibility and Antioxidant Activity
    Code: REIG-FAS-2021/011
    Duration: 2 years
    Role: PI
    Amount: RM 41,100
    Status: Active
  1. Lipid, cholesterol and triacylglycerol lowering ability of an agri-biotechnology health based product (FRGS/2/2010/STWN/五一吃瓜官网/03/1) (Jan 2011) Completed
  2. Application of ultrasound technology in the extraction of phytochemical-enriched extract from Malaysian medicinal plants (05-01-09-074/RU) (Sept 2009) Completed
  3. Exploring flavanol gallates, potent antioxidant compounds from three commercial species of Malaysia Agarwood by-product (Proj-In-FAS-007) (Nov 2011) On Going
  4. Purification and Identification of potent antioxidative components of tropical fruits’ peel and their oxidative stabilization effect in cooking oil (Proj-In-FAS-006) (2011) On Going
  5. Development of thermally processed palm sugar-like flavouring via maillard reaction technology 
  6. Concentrated Betanin Red Dragon Fruit Drink with Improved Stability, Bio-accessibility and Antioxidant Activity (REIG-FAS-2021/011) (2021) On Going


  1. Teck Wei Lim, Chiau Jing Lim, Chun An Liow, Seok Teng Ong, Lay Hong Lim, Liew Phing Pui, Chin Ping Tan, Chun Wai Ho. (2022). Studies on the storage stability of betacyanins from fermented red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) drink imparted by xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose. Food Chemistry, 393 (133404).
  2. Choo, K. Y., Ong, Y. Y., Lim, R. L. H., Tan, C. P., & Ho, C. W. (2019). Study on bioaccessibility of betacyanins from red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus). Food science and biotechnology, 28(4), 1163-1169.
  3. Choo, K.Y., Kho, C., Ong, Y. Y., Thoo, Y. Y., Lim, L. H., Tan, C. P., & Ho, C. W. (2018). International Food Research Journal, 25(6), 2539–2546.
  4. Choo, K.Y., Kho, C., Ong, Y. Y., Thoo, Y. Y., Lim, R. L. H., Tan, C. P., & Ho, C. W. (2018). Food Science and Biotechnology, 27(5), 1411–1417. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-018-0367-4
  5. Fu, C. W. F., Ho, C. W., Yong, W. T. L., Abas, F., Tan, T. B., & Tan, C. P. (2016). International Food Research Journal, 23(6), 2363–2369.
  6. Ghan, S. Y., Chin, J. H., Thoo, Y. Y., Yim, H. S., & Ho, C. W. (2016). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 7(4), 1456–1461.
  7. Fu, C. W. F., Ho, C. W., Yong, W. T. L., Abas, F., & Tan, C. P. (2015). PeerJ PrePrints, 3, e1249v1.
  8. Ho, S. K., Tan, C. P., Thoo, Y. Y., Abas, F., & Ho, C. W. (2014). Molecules, 19(8), 12640-12659.
  9. Tay, P. Y., Tan, C. P., Abas, F., Yim, H. S., & Ho, C. W. (2014).  Molecules, 19(8), 12304-12319.
  10. Tan, M. C., Tan, C. P., Khoo, H. E., & Ho, C. W. (2014). International Food Research Journal, 21(2), 789.
  11. Tan, M. C., Tan, C. P., & Ho, C. W. (2013). International Food Research Journal, 20(6), 3117.
  12. Thoo, Y. Y., Ng, S. Y., Khoo, M. Z., Aida, W. W., & Ho, C. W. (2013).  International Food Research Journal, 20(3).
  13. Tan, P. Y., Tan, C. P., Abas, F., Ho, C. W., & Mustapha, W. A. W. (2013).  Molecules, 18(6), 6792-6803.
  14. Thoo, Y. Y., Ho, S. K., Abas, F., Lai, O. M., Ho, C. W., & Tan, C. P. (2013). , 18(6), 7004-7022.
  15. Thoo, Y.Y., Abas, F., Lai, O.M., Ho, C.W., Yin, J., Hedegaard, R.V., Skibsted, L.H. & Tan, C.P. (2013).  Food chemistry, 138(2-3), 1215-1219.
  16. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Rao, V., Low, J. Y., Matanjun, P., How, S. E., & Ho, C. W. (2013).  Journal of food science and technology, 50(2), 275-283.
  17. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Mah, S. Y., Sia, C. M., Samuagam, L., & Ho, C. W. (2013).  International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 15(1), 9-19.
  18. Wong, B. Y., Tan, C. P., & Ho, C. W. (2013).  International Food Research Journal, 20(1), 325.
  19. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Liow, M. L., & Ho, C. W. (2013). Chiang Mai J. Sci, 40(1), 34-48.
  20. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Koo, S. M., Matanjun, P., How, S. E., & Ho, C. W. (2012). Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90(2), 235-242.
  21. Foong, J. H., Hon, W. M., & Ho, C. W. (2012).  Borneo Sci, 31, 37-56.
  22. Chew, K. K., Khoo, M. Z., Ng, S. Y., Thoo, Y. Y., Aida, W. W., & Ho, C. W. (2011).  International Food Research Journal, 18(4), 1427.
  23. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Koo, S. M., Matanjun, P., How, S. E., & Ho, C. W. (2012). . Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90(2), 235-242.
  24. Foong, J. H., Hon, W. M., & Ho, C. W. (2012). Borneo Sci, 31, 37-56.
  25. Chew, K. K., Khoo, M. Z., Ng, S. Y., Thoo, Y. Y., Aida, W. W., & Ho, C. W. (2011). International Food Research Journal, 18(4), 1427.
  26. Hismath, I., Wan Aida, W. M., & Ho, C. W. (2011). International Food Research Journal, 18(3), 931-939.
  27. Tan, P. W., Tan, C. P., & Ho, C. W. (2011). International Food Research Journal, 18(2), 557-562.
  28. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Heng, P. Y., & Ho, C. W. (2011). International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 13(4), 357-368.
  29. Yim, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Lee, M. Y., Matanjun, P., How, S. E., & Ho, C. W. (2011). International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 13(3), 245-255.
  30. Yim Jr, H. S., Chye, F. Y., Tan, C. T., Ng, Y. C., & Ho, C. W. (2010). Malaysian journal of nutrition, 16(2), 281-291.
  31. Thoo, Y. Y., Ho, S. K., Liang, J. Y., Ho, C. W., & Tan, C. P. (2010). Food Chemistry, 120(1), 290-295.
  32. Amin, N. A. M., Mustapha, W. A. W., Maskat, M. Y., & Wai, H. C. (2010). Open Food Science Journal, 4, 23-29.
  33. Uma, D. B., Ho, C. W., & Wan Aida, W. M. (2010). Sains Malaysiana, 39(1), 119-128.

Awards and Recognitions

  1. Dean List Semester 1 (2001/02) in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
  2. Dean List Semester 2 (2001/02) in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). 

Contributions to Society

  1. Personal Enrichment and Empowerment Programme Workshop Instructor for “Effective Planning Tool” in 2011 at College of Foundation and General Studies, UNITEN.
  2. Effective Planning Tool workshop for 五一吃瓜官网 University Scholarship Club members in 24th Sept 2011 at Former IUPC Office.


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