
Research Impact:

Assistant Professor Alice Phua Choon Yen

Assistant Professor | Department of Foundation in Science

Academic Qualifications

MSc Reproductive Biotechnology
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Technology

Areas of Interest
Ethnobotany of plant resources
PCR-based caprine embryo sexing
Professional Bodies

  1. Persatuan Genetik Malaysia (PGM) – ordinary member
  2. Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MSMBB) – Lifetime member


  1. Ethnobotanical  and traditional knowledge studies of the Orang Asli in Cameron Highlands
  2. Reproductive biotechnology


  1. Phua ACY, Rahman MM, Khadijah Wan, Abdullah RB. (2015). Influence of in vitro maturation duration on embryo yield in goats. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science 18(2): 23-28. Impact factor: 0.026 

  2. Abdullah RB, Phua ACY, Mohammad Rahman, Khadijah WEW. (2017). PCR-based sexing of caprine embryos using Sry/AML-X duplex PCR and Sry/DVEPC041 duplex PCR. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 87(8): 951-955. Impact factor: 0.279 

  3. Milow P, Malek S, Ali Hussein M, Phua ACY. (2020). A review on traditional medicinal plants for treating microorganism-infected diseases in Malaysia. In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants Vol. 51 – Antimicrobial Resistance and Bioactive Natural Products by Panda SK, Dubey D and Govil JN (Eds.). ISBN: 978-1-62699-115-6.  

  4. Phua, ACY and Tan, TT. Extraction of DNA from cookies for PCR-based detection of pork adulteration: a comparison of two different DNA extraction methods. (2009). Poster presentation. The 18th Scientific Meeting of the Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 18-20, August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  5. Foong CM, Phua ACY. (2008). Comparison of Two DNA Extraction Kits in Extraction and Purification of DNA from Light Soy Sauce for Detection of Porcine Ingredient by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Poster presentation. The 19th Intervarsity Biochemistry Seminar, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
  6. Phua ACY, Abdullah RB, Mohamed Z. (2005). PCRbased sex determination of goat embryos – A prospect for sex ratio manipulation at birth. The 15th Scientific Meeting of the Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Kuala Lumpur, 2005: 25
  7. Phua, A. C. Y., R. B. Abdullah and Z. Mohamed. (2003). A PCR-based sex determination method for possible application in caprine gender selection by simultaneous amplification of the Sry and Aml-X genes. Journal of Reproduction and Development 49(4): 307-311. Impact factor: 1.755 


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